Status: Finished :) Would love your comments!

Crimson (Book One)

Danger seems to be always lurking around for the hunter race and Charlotte Cazador, her family and her friends who are also hunters have to battle their enemies in a constant battle of good and evil, hunters against vampires, werewolves and shape-shifters .
Charlotte and her friends will go through a series of adventures, learning things along the way, learning to love and support each other. Follow Charlotte and her friends in this great adventure and see whether evil prevails.
Vampires are NOT the good guys, they do not glitter in the sunlight or have special 'powers'.

Charlotte Cazador is a young hunter, she's been training all her young years for this and now its happening, a great battle.
Who will prevail?

* I do not own any of the pictures in the characters page.
The plot and characters are mine though, so please do not steal from me*
  1. Prologue
  2. Training
  3. New Kids
  4. The Mission
  5. Debrief/The Lake
  6. The Master's Meeting
  7. It's a lie!
  8. Two Weeks Later
  9. Captured
  10. Anger Boils
  11. He's Alive
  12. Could This Be The End Of Me?!