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A Hybrids Happiness

Just a day in the Life

I've come to seriously hate the mornings. Why do mornings always have to start so early? I threw the covers off and was assulted with a chill that made me remember we were in the dead of winter. I through on a random pair of socks and left my room to go the bathroon that was at the end of the hall. My face met the door as i tried to open it but i found it locked. I pounded my head against the door for a while untill it opened up. I looked up and saw it was Anthony, 1 of my 6 older brothers. "I need. To. Pee." i said through gritted teeth as i literally through him out of the way and i went into the bathroom. Sometimes i really hate brothers. They take longer in the bathroom than i do, and im a 19 year old girl. It seems like my brothers became more vain ever century. I did my business and showered and walked back to my room, my eyes still threatening to close on me. I bumbbed into a soft wall and just kept going. I heard a growl but i paid it no mind. Probably one of my brothers or a patron up early as well. I feel their pain. When i entered my room i kept the light off. It's not like the light mattered anyways, my eyes were shut once again. I rummedged through my closet and pulled out the first t-shirt and pair of pants i felt. I put on a bra and underwear before my clothes. I didnt brush my hair, it was naturaly straight, thank the gods.I put my feet into some flip flops. I dont really care if they are matching are not. I Flashed myself down to the kitchen were the smell of coffee and breakfast perked me up, just a bit. And not enough for me to actually want to be awake at this ungodly hour. "Its about time you came down stairs, its already 8, and we open at 9" my mother was always the impatient one. "It's so early, i still want to sleep. Its the winter, i just wanna sleep" My head the the table a loud bang and my father rushed into see what was wrong. "Just your daughter being over dramatic. Don't worry. Nirvana, you need to just grow up. I'm Full bear and i can fight my tiredness. So buck up and get over it" i just rolled my eyes. Such a loving mother she is. "Honey, calm down. She is just coming into her powers and isnt used to the animal part of her yet. It takes time MamaBear" "I know PapaWolf, but still. She can get her act together, her brothers all could, and they dont complain one bit" i had enough. "Whatever, some times i wish you would ahve just eaten me like a real bear would have done" i walked off and out the back door. The Sun had just fallen and i rolled my eyes. 8pm is just to freaking early to be waking up. Considering i didnt go to bed till 4 in the afternoon. But that wasnt my fault. . I sighed and walked back inside. My Brother Aubert was at the door as bouncer. He had out mother's eyes and our father's hair. He was tall and stocky like my uncle Dev. My 2 of my other brothers, Gilbert and Bastien, were getting the Howler's stage ready for their concert tonight. My youngest brother, Nick, was wiping down tables and trying ot make everything look good for tonight. He was just OCD like that. Its fun to make things dirty and put them out of place just to see him freak. My Eldest brother, Marius, was in the kitchen garding the door to the Peltier house were we, and a number of other animals, people, and dark hunters lived. We even had an apolite or two with us. I took a beer and chugged it before anyone could see. I would really need that to get me through the night.
It was now 10pm and people had started to enter into my personal hell. The place really wasn't that bad, i just hated working with a passion. I didnt mind people so much, but after a while they just started to get on my nerves. Especially the men of the species. I just couldnt stand them. All they thought about was sex, money, and football. Pfft, football. What a stupid game. Running after a ball and hitting eachother. Just sounds like a ploy for doctors to make some easy money if you ask me. I did the normal thing. I bused tables, took orders, and fake smiled at men who i wanted to slap. If anyone ever got too out of hand one of my many brothers, or my dad, or anyone else that worked here would step in and through the guys ass outta here.
After working for about 2 hours i was tired, again. I went to the bar and grabbed a bottle of water. It had gotten packed in here because of the band. It was hard to get to peopel to take orders, so i guess they will just have to to the bar if they want something. I sat ontop of the bar watching and making sure none of the supernatural beings were mesing with the humans. I would just hate to have to kick some ass tonight. "Hey beautiful" i smiled at the voice and saw Ash in front of me. I dont know how i missed his huge ass. "Hey handsome, how are you this fine evening. Kill anyone?" I asked in the most non chalant way i could. "Eh, just a couple hundred or so, trying to cut down" we both nodded in mutual understanding, before we busted up lauging. "How is Tori and the kids, and Kat and the kids?" "They are good, they wouldnt be anything but. Sin is at the house with them right now, at their beck and call. Its kinda like that movie Father of The Bride II" i just nodded. "I dont like men much, but i cant wait to have a baby" Ash looked at me with that knowing glance. "Nirvana, you know as well as i do that the chances of you being able to consive is very low, and the chances of you finding a mate are even lower" i wanted to slap him. Not like i needed someone else to point out im a freak among freaks. Sure my brothers can go around and impregnant women till their hearts content, but me, no. Because im a female hybrid i am cursed to be unfertile. "Pfft, i was just kidding anyways. I could never handle a kid. Me + Kid = No" Ash jut gave me a look but nodded anyways. "I need to speak with your dad, is he in his office" i just nodded and Ash went back. I'm going to prove everyone wrong. I will have children of my own, and a mate, even if it kills me in the process.
It was 5 am and closing time. We called cabs for the drunk humans and flashed the drunk animals and others up to their rooms to sleep of the alcohol and prepair them for their hangovers. Id go drop off some asprin and coffee to them later. I was on clean up duty seeing as i was one of the only people still awake. Ash and my father were still in his office, to my knowledge, and my brother Nick was helping me clean. "I hate being the youngest, we always have to do the crappy stuff" he pouted and so did I. He Might be 150 years old, but he still acts like a cub. At least i have an excuse, i am a cub. "Just stop complaining and get it done. The faster we do it, the faster we can go to bed" My brother and i stared at eachother for a brief moment in time, before we started laughing so hard we were crying. Ash and our father walking in and just gave us those "children" look where they just kinda stare, then shake their heads while looking away. "Thanks for letting us know, we will take care of it from here" ash just nodded before he walked out. "Nirvana, there is a bear clan coming tomorrow, and they have 3 single males that want to...uhm...mate you" those words were strained. My father looked both angry and sad. "But i dont like men" "I knew you were a lesbian" i hit Nick. "I am not a lesbian, i just dont like boys right now. Plus, i cant mate, and i cant bare a littler" i finished cleaning and then flashed myself to my room. I willed away my clothes and curled up on my bed. Before i fell asleep i felt wetness on my cheeks. Hoping for happiness, its just hopelss. i closed my eyes and let myself sucumb to a nice and deep sleep.
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So how do you like it? If you need some more background info let me know and i can add it. Just Look up the Dark-Hunters series by Sherrilyn Kenyon on line or get her books, they are fantastic. THey are romance novels so they get kinda graphic, but thats like the best part. Sorry if there are any grammer errors. Comment me and let me know what you think. Thanks = )