Status: Please Comment this and my other stories = )

A Hybrids Happiness

Happiness comes to those who want it enough

I was awaken today with the sudden urge to vomit. It might have been the 12 beers i chugged right before sleep last night, but i digress. I flashed into the bathroom and emptied to contents of my stomach into the toilet. I felt instantly better now that all that nasty alcohol was out of my system. "Nirvana, get your skinny ass out here and meet people" Yelled Aubert. I winced at the noise and flashed myself to my room, planning on going back to sleep for at least 2 more months. Planning being the key word. Banging on my door came for the next 5 minutes. Whoever is doing this, better hope to run fast before i open that dang door. I got up and walked to the door and opened it. It was my mother, and she was glaring at me. "Put on some nice clothes, a dress maybe, and get down stairs to meet our guests. Don't be rude or else. Make up too...please" she walked away in her Sunday's best and her to high heels. I don't know who she is trying to impress, sure is heck ain't dad because he could care less what she wore, if anything at all. Gross, but true. As i turned on the light i looked at myself in the mirror. I was a little pale from the throwing up i did earlier, and i think I'm about to break out, just great. I felt my legs and made sure they were OK to wear a dress, they were. But if they weren't id still wear one, just to embarrass mom . I smirked at the idea. I put on my favorite bra and pantie set from Victoria's Secret, it was a neon blue with neon green lace trim. I put on a mid thigh length red dress that looked good against my skin tone. I put on the matching red pumps and brushed my hair. I added a little plum eyeliner and some eyeshadow that brought out the different browns in my eyes. With a touch of mascara i was ready to go and face yet another let down. Maybe they will think I'm a slut and not want me, one can only hope...

I walked down stairs and saw many men and women walking around the club, and talking and laughing with my family. My father seemed to be talking to the Alpha male of the Bear clan. I know this because the man was the tallest at about 7 feet exactly. He was also the most built, and looked to be in is late 40s. A Clear sign of how old and powerful he must be. "Look who finally came down from her cave" My mother announced and some laughed. All male eyes turned to me and i blushed. I don't really like attention, especially from people i don't know. "Uhm...Hi.." i waved and finished walking down the stairs. I walked over to my dad, because i knew my mother would just drag me everywhere making me meet people. At least with dad it would only be meeting one person. I hugged my father and he smiled. "Nirvana, this is Samson. He is the Alpha of his family here. His Sons are the one that want to mate you" I just smiled and shook the mans hand. Mate me, makes it sound like I'm just some rabid wild animal that has no say in anything, and not a sophisticated Arcadian. "Such a pleasure to meet you, but I'm sorry to say that your sons will be unlikely to mate with me. Since i am a hybrid female i am infertile and therefore have no reason to mate, meaning i cant" I said it with a small smile. "Nonsense child. You are barely 19 years old. Its only been a year since you have been able to take your Animal form. Mating is a delicate process and i know that one of my sons can hurry things along. I have no doubt that My family and yours will be joined into one great clan, and all because of you" I just smiled and nodded. I walked off and wanted to bash his skull in. Who is he to think he knows of my situation and how my body will work with his sons. To put the pressure of a family tie on my shoulders is to much a barren for me to handle alone. Maybe if his daughters mated with my brothers it would be easier, i know for a fact, i can not mate and i can not have a litter.

I was sitting at a table in the back of the club watching my family interact with this new clan. I was being ignored and left alone, just the way i wanted it to be. It seems my brother Nick has caught the eye of one of Samson's daughter. Good, they can get together and take this burden off me. I was about to close my eyes for a moment when i saw a man come and sit at the table with me. I glared, but the man just smiled. "Hello" He said in a deep voice. It was very attractive. The sort of voice you would want to hear saying your name rolling around in the sack. "Hi" I said back ,still glaring at this man. "I'm Sebastian" He said. Sebastian, sexy name. Haven't met a Sebastian before. "I'm Nirvana". Wow this conversation is just moving along, huh. "I'm one of Samson's son's" His voice just dropped a level of sexiness with those words. "Your one of the men who wants to mate me, yes?" I asked him. "Yes, actually many are thinking i will be your mate, we have bunches in common" I rolled my eyes at that. "Like what?" "Well, we are both Arcadian. Stubborn. And love to sleep" I laughed, but only a little. "Ya i love to sleep, but i bet you love to sleep around. You are no virgin, were is i am. I'm not Stubborn, I'm hard headed, there is a difference. And the whole Arcadian thing? 50% of the people in this room are Arcadian, so.... i think ill be going now. Have fun" I got up and walked away. Bastard.

"Nirvana, now is the time to choose who will be...first. Sebastian, Charles, or Ian." My father looked so uncomfortable, and that's how i felt. I looked at the three brothers. Sebastian i already know. He has chocolate brown hair with the grayist eyes i have ever seen. His muscles are begging to be touched and his lips to be kissed. But he's an ass. Charles had dirty blonde hair and was about an inch shorter than Sebastian, making him around 6'6". He was a little less muscular but he had the same Grey eyes and pouty lips. His skin had a sun kissed looked of a guy who was no stranger of the beach. But he was staring whistfully at a girl across the room, i wasn't a home wrecker. The Last was Ian. He had reddish brown hair, a color i happened to like alot on men. His skin was tan, but more of a natural thing than from being outside. He was the shortest, at about 6'4". Still way taller than my 5'3" frame. His hands looked like he was no stranger to manual labor and he had sea foam green eyes instead of the Grey his brothers sported. He looked right at me, and i looked away and blushed. He was very handsome. He Looked at me with this piercing stare, it made me...rather hot. "Uhm...Him" i pointed towards Charles. Get him out of the way. "Very well, off you two love birds go" laughed Samson. We walked towards the back and into a room, sound proof. "OK look i don't want to do anything with you. I just had to pick, wanna play cards?" I asked him, and he let out a sigh of relief. "Thanks god...not that your not attractive. Its just i love someone else" "I know i saw you looking at her, she is quiet the looker" we laughed. "So how long should we stay in here...?" I asked him. "Well how long do you usually take to have sex?" I just glanced over to the side. "Oh.... OH!" His eyes were wide. "Yup...." "Awkward" "Very"

About 30 minutes later we walked out and people looked at us. "No dice" I said. "Well who next then?" asked my mother. Who knew that parents actually wanted their teenage daughter to be impregnated by random guys . Sebastian was a last resort so i guess..."Ian" I blushed just saying his name. "Cool" he said and we walked back. I walked into the room first and he eyes the perfectly made bed. "You didn't screw my brother". Hotness points taken off for that. "I'm a virgin, i don't just sleep with people because my parents want me to, thanks you very much" I snapped at him. "Feisty, i like it. Plus a virgin, what more could a Hybrid ask for" my eyes opened wide. "Your a hybrid?" I asked him. "Yup, I'm Samson's step son. My Mom is a bear, grizzly, and my father a wolf. You and me have .." i cut him off with a kiss. His lips burnt against mine. I wanted him. Maybe just the pure fact he was a hybrid made me think this could work. I just wanted a child. He picked me up and put me on the bed. He rubbed his face in the crook of my neck, gaining my scent. He looked up and his stare pierced me to my soul.

I opened my eyes and turned but was met by a block. I think one of the younger cubs must have snuck into my bed last night. I turned nad leaned up only to find a very attractive naked man in my bed. I went to shake him when i noticed something on my hand. I shot up from my bed and used my cellphone as a light. It was deliquet swirls and twist and somewhat looked like a bear paw on my palm and a wolf paw on the top of my hand with the fillings in looking like a fine lace. "Oh, God"
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Second part, one to move things alot. I just got this idea and was bored nad have nothing better to do so.... lol