Status: Marvelous work in progress

I'd Come for You

Chapter Eight

Chapter Eight

“But Lia?” Nico whined as we walked through the streets of downtown New York

It had been three days since we had left the camp in search of my father and Percy, we were at the moment in search for a stupid sprite who knew we were after her but she seemed to enjoy giving us a run for our money. Nico was trying to convince me to leave the sprite alone or if we caught up to her he was trying to get me to let him come into her lair with us since I had told him to wait outside.

I growled in frustration and spun around to face him “Nico Di Angelo just shush okay, one no I will not leave this goddamn sprite alone and if you even dare to call my brothers here you will pay for that dearly”
And two, no, you won’t be coming in because she likes to trick men the most, you and Grover will wait outside”

Nico froze where he stood and gulped as his colour drained from his face then he nodded slowly and carefully as if to show me that he understood my threat.

I spun around again and continued on my way through the streets until I caught sight of her, I took off in a run and turned the corner, I jumped sideways out of the way of a handful of water balloons filled with various unknown liquid.

They flew behind me hitting the floor which began to smoke and hiss as the liquid ate through the concrete.

“Jeez, taking pranking to the next level aren’t you” I called to the alleyway surrounding me

Eleni slowly floated down to where I stood from the top of a building and looked me up and down.

“You are lucky,” she told me then she cocked her head to the side ever so slightly as if questioning something “You know my tricks? I have been watching you since you started following me”

“Axelia knows all the tricks” someone snorted from behind the Kobalos

We both looked behind her and I growled angrily as I saw Luke/Kronos.

“You bastard” I snarled at him angrily “First you decide to kidnap my boyfriend and threaten his life, then you send my friend to tell me the threat but you don’t tell me how to find you”

My father looked at me shocked and angry “Axelia Calla you do not use such language towards me”

“Well guess what I just did” I growled then I was startled slightly as I noticed his image shimmer slightly.

He was using an Iris message, I grabbed a bin lid from beside me and threw it at the message causing the image to shimmer and fail.

“Lord Kronos is angry” Eleni commented

I glared lightly at her then she smiled mischievously as she saw my friends running over to me gasping for breath.

“Yes lord Kronos is angry, maybe because I just threw a bin lid at him or because I cussed at him” I growled at the sprite

Nico looked at me confused but Thalia raised her eyebrows up in surprise.

“Let me guess, Iris message?” she asked

I nodded then grabbed Eleni in a headlock with a knife against her throat, the sprite began struggling against my strength but I held onto her for my dear life.

“Listen, you know where he is, now tell me?” I growled at her

“Axelia Calla” she gasped then fell to her knees “The daughter of our lord and my lady Evanthe”

“The one and only now tell me” I ordered

Eleni’s shoulders began to shudder as if she was sobbing then I realized that she was, I kept the knife to her throat. Then I was shocked as Nico tried to take the knife from me.

“Lia, she’s crying” he told me

“I know” I told him “Nico she’s a trickster remember”

Nico refused to move so Thalia and Annabeth began to pull him carefully away from us as Eleni’s sobs stopped and she sighed defeated.

“I had hoped crying would work” she sighed

I rolled my eyes at the sprite, then slowly pulled her up while she was still in a headlock, she tried to struggle slightly again but then stopped in defeat.

“Rumor say that you are a trickster too my lady?” she inquired as she looked up at me

That’s when I noticed her appearance, she looked like a young women about seventeen maybe eighteen, she had very long pitch black hair that didn’t seem to hide her pointed ears that distinguished her as elf like, however her skin was a pale blue which was why she needed the mist, and she was tall even though she was in a headlock. And her eyes, when she looked up at me her eyes were blue but then as her face showed confusion her eyes changed to a dark purple as if to correspond with her emotions.

I let her go quickly and backed away, she stood up and brushed herself off then she looked at me curiously.

“You are part Kobalos?” she stated shocked and confused

I shook my head as I continued backing away; I kept replaying the change of her eyes in my head.

“Your father can be found at port in Hollywood, I believe he wishes to anger his eldest son” Eleni told me, she walked over to me and placed her hand on my shoulder “Farewell cousin, maybe one day we shall meet again and learn of our heritage together”

Eleni disappeared in a flash of green leaving me surrounded by my friends who watched me curiously.

“Her eyes, they were like mine” I told them shakily

Anna walked over to me and pulled me into a hug then Thalia joined us.

Nico looked at me sadly so I sighed and nodded to him, he smiled a little and closed his eyes to call his father to us, and I closed my eyes to and lowered a shield that I learnt could hide us from the detection of my brothers.

But now the angriest one was on his way to kill me for tying him up and running away.