Status: Still in the process ;D

The Falling Waits


I woke up early, around 6:30 am, to an annoying sound on my cell phone; a text message. It was Kerry. Finally she responded.
Call Me
Ok, let me get some more signal first
Ok, no problem
I walked around until I found at least 4 out of 5 bars. As soon as I found signal I hit the call button and waited…one ring…two rings…three rings…
“Hello? Kerry?” I asked. Apparently I sounded anxious, because she immediately started freaking out.
“Oh my God! Are you ok? Did they get you? Are you alone?” It’s always like her to assume the worst.
“I’m still in my room, they didn’t get me, I’m fine.” I reassured her. “Have you heard from the guys?” I asked, hoping she had.
“Yeah, your botanist called and Tim just got here. Have you heard from ‘Them’ at all?”
“No, not at all. I think that they’re busy planning, Gary thinks they’re recruiting, and Tim thinks that it’s both. What about you? Any ideas?” as soon as the words left my mouth, my forehead hit the marble counter-top and I was down for the count. Kerry defiantly heard.
“Hello? You there Tiff? Are you ok?”
“No, get over here. I hit my head on the counter. Hurry.” I began getting dizzy, and a little nauseous. Was I upright? Who was carrying me? I was to dizzy to think.
“Damn, I should’ve worked out. I can barely hold her.” Did I know that voice?
“Wimp…” said a female voice.
“Shut up Katie.” Said the male voice. I definatly knew who it was.
“Alex! Shut your mouth for once in your miserable life!” Katie demanded.
“You know what? Why don’t you carry her?” Alex had the worst attitude I’d ever seen.
I tried to scream, yell that they wouldn’t succeed, but instead of my heroic scream, I gurgled like a baby. But, it did get their attention, so I guess it’s not all as bad as I thought.
“Katie I think she’s waking up. We need to hurry.” Alex said, nervousness seeping into his voice.
Where the hell are Tim and Kerry? I thought impatiently to myself as I was dragged down the long hotel hall.
“Tim! Look! Get ‘em!” Crap. Did she always have to do that? She’d be hearing from my botanist (who is Gary, my boyfriend. I’m a lawyer, Kerry’s a doctor, and Tim is a therapist). Got to love people trying to save an environment that’s way beyond such things. A dead, decaying waste of a world. You’re probably confused by this point. Let me explain what happened.
About 5 years ago some scientists found a possible, and super strong, cure for MS. They tried and tried to extract the strand from the source, but they weren’t able to until about 6 months ago, when one of the lab rats escaped the lab and spread the aftermath of the medicine to human drinking water.
In short, the disease devastated. It wiped people out fast than an eraser to pencil marks. Out of the 6 billion or so in the whole world, only 8 people are left. There are the Egyptian survivors and the American survivors, that's us. The Egyptians are Horus, Jasmine, Tyler, and Kendra.
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The next Chapter is in Kerry's perspective!