Through My Eyes

Perfect In My Mind

She sat under the dining room table. Her eyes studied him, he had a notebook in his lap yet his eyes were focused on the ceiling. She knew his mind was somewhere else, she hated that about him. She adjusted herself under the table until she was flat on her back. Her chocolate colored eyes fixed themselves onto the words she had written in sharpie.
Lizz + Ryan
She sighed it had been a long time since she had written that. Her mind wandered to the early days of their relationship.

His eyes wandered around the hose until they landed on her, in her usual spot under the table. He rolled his eyes at the way she allowed her thoughts to consume her. He hated that about her. His stomach growled he decided he wanted to go out to eat.

“Lizz baby, let’s go eat.”

She turned onto her side so her eyes met his. With no answer she got out from under her “lair” and walked to the room. She stepped into their large closet and looked through her clothes nothing seemed to fit her mood. Her eyes instead settled on him searching through his wide array of button up shirts. She hated how it took him forever to get dressed, yet he always looked the same.

He watched as she finally pulled on a t-shirt and a plaid skirt. He hated how she took forever to decide on an outfit and it was basically the same thing she wore every single day.


She hated the way he always wanted to control what they listened to in the car. She made sure his eyes were on the road, and she plugged her ipod into the stereo.

Birthday Sex filtered through his ears. His eyes darted towards her then quickly moved back to the road. He hated that she always wanted to control what they listened to in the car.

“where are we going? I feel like pizza. No, fries, oh and maybe some ice cream.”

Her eyes remained on the passing cars as she continued to list other foods that sounded good.


His eyes roamed the small diner. His attention finally landed on her. She looked through the menu, he thought she was being ridiculous, she always ordered the same thing. The fact that she always ordered the same thing meant he always had to order the same thing. He hated that she always ordered the same thing.

Her eyes skimmed the options of mouthwatering food. She closed the menu and sighed. Every time they came to this diner he would always order the same thing, which meant she had to too. The logic didn’t make much sense to any one but her but that’s the way her brain worked. She hated that he always ordered the same thing.

“what’ll it be? The usual I presume?”

He eyes looked away from her and focused on the familiar waitress. He gave a curt nod to let her know that yes they would be having the exact same thing again.


He stripped down to his boxers and slipped on a clean t-shirt. His eyes searched for her, and found her walking out of the closet clad in her preferred sleeping attire (bat man t-shirt and matching boxers). He walked into the bathroom to brush his teeth before she got there. He hated how she hogged the sink.

She brushed her teeth and watched him trough the mirror. She tried to gently nudge him away so she could spit. He stood his ground, she rolled her eyes at his behavior. She hated how he always hogged the sink.

He finished and walked out leaving her to finish by herself. His eyes looked around their bedroom, his eyes landed on the gallon of diet green tea, family sized box of cheese it’s and a bag of oranges. He hated how she kept food in their room, and defended it by saying that if zombies attacked they could stay in the room forever. He rolled his eyes at her imagination and crawled under the covers.

She turned off the bathroom light and stared at the well lit bedroom. It was such a beautiful room, but you couldn’t see any of the furniture thanks to his stacks of books. She hated how he used the room as a library, but he defended it by mocking her zombie theory. When they attacked he’d see how logical she was. She gave a small smile at her own thoughts.

He watched as she smiled to her self and reached out to turn off the light switch.

“Ry guide me with your voice I can’t see!”

Her eyes consumed by the darkness, her ears filled with his laughter. She followed the sound to the bed, she loved that sound. She got under the covers and rested her head on his chest. She didn’t need the light to see him, she knew every inch of skin, every freckle, every scar. She knew him better than anyone, and she loved him more than anyone.

He breathed in her scent and smiled. His thoughts wandered as they usually did at night. He remembered something he read once he couldn’t remember the exact wording but it was something along the lines of if you hate some one it is because something in them reminds them of you, because what is not us does not bother us. He placed a kiss to the top oh her head, her breathing was soft she was falling asleep. He chuckled as his mind wrapped around the idea that he hated her for being like him. He also loved her more than words could ever describe, what did that mean? his eyes had adjusted to the dark, he could see the her outline as she rolled over and away from him. He scooted closer and snaked his arms around her. He never wanted her too far from him.


“yeah babe?”

“I just wanted to say good night.”

He smiled and pressed his lips against the smooth skin of her neck.

“good night. I love you.”

He shut his eyes and thought that if hating someone was not liking yourself, so loving someone you hated must make you a huge narcissist. He listened to her soft breathing, he didn’t care what it meant. As long as she was by his side, this relationship was perfect in his mind.