Status: Story will be extremely slow updating. Sorry.

Sweet Child of Mine

Free To Be You And Me (part 2)

Cadence was in deep concentration when Castiel and Dean came back the next evening. She sat in the middle of the living room floor with three candles burning in front of her. On her right knee sat the only picture of her family she had.

Dean and Castiel watched from the doorway as Cadence took a deep breath and let it out. Walking around her, Dean stared her down until his impatience wore out.

“What are you doing?”

Taking another deep breath she replied, “Talking to angels.”


“I’m talking to angels, Dean.” Cadence opened one of her eyes to look up at the man.

“What’s with the candles?”

Closing her eye she said, “The white one is for light, the other two are lavender and vanilla. They’re calming…. To me anyway.”

“Yeah? Well cut it out, we have to get ready for Raphael.”

Both of her eyes opened, “He’s coming here?”


Getting up she blew out her candles and placed the picture back in her bag. Looking at Dean and Castiel she smiled and said, “So, what do we have to do?”

Dean didn’t say anything as he looked down at the triangle of candles. Castiel looked at Cadence with a confused look. Getting angry, Cadence cleared her throat, “Hello?”

“Pack the car.”

Cadence frowned and packed up her candles. Swinging her bag over her should she looked at Dean and said, “There was no witchery involved, Dean. It’s just something my mom taught me.”

“How am I supposed to believe that?”

Getting into his face she replied, “You’re just going to have to trust that my mom was more to the book than I was.”

Dean looked into Cadence’s eyes and continued to frown. He fought the urge to run his eyes over her body, the angle she was at gave him a great shot down her shirt....

Cadence gave a smile that didn’t reach her eyes and left to load the car.

The group went out to get food. When they came to the house, Cadence was the last to enter.

“Dean, wait.” Said Castiel.

Cadence entered the house as lightning sounded. In the room next to them, a black man could be seen with wings of electricity shooting into the dark space around him. Cadence gasped and gripped the back of Castiel’s arm. The angel looked at the group and said, “Castiel.”

“Raphael,” Castiel moved first, approaching the Archangel.

“Oh, you know, I thought you were supposed to be impressive,” said Dean, “All you do is black out the room?”

“And the eastern sea bed.”

Cadence moved with the boys, watching the angel. She was surprised to hear how deep the angels’ voice was, very James Earl Jones.

A storm raged outside as the Archangel said, “It is a testament to my unending mercy that I don’t smite you here and now.” His eyes were only for Castiel.

“Or maybe you’re full of crap.” Cadence looked at Dean with wide eyes, “Maybe you’re afraid that God will bring Cas back to life again, and smite you in your candy-ass skirt. By the way, hi, I’m Dean.”

“I know who you are.” Turning to Castiel he added, “And now thanks to him, I know where you are.” His eyes then looked to Cadence, “And who are you?”

Giving a small wave she said, “Hi. I’m-”


Cadence looked shocked and replied, “Cadence, but close…. Constance is the name of my grandmother. How did you know?”

Turning to Castiel he asked, “You haven’t told her?”

Castiel didn’t respond as he turned from Raphael to Cadence. Dean grew impatient with all of this, “Raphael, leave her out of this.”

“You are in no position to be demanding things from me, human.”

“You won’t kill him,” said Castiel, looking back at his superior, “You wouldn’t dare.”

“But I will take him to Michael.”

“Well that… sounds terrifying,” Dean turned to walk to the fireplace, “It does. But, ah, hate to tell ya,” he reached down to a cooler to grab a beer, “I’m not going anywhere with you.” He turned away to drink from the bottle.

“Surely you remember Zachariah giving you stomach cancer?”

Dean turned back and said, “Yeah that… that was hilarious.”

“Yes, well, he doesn’t have anything close to my… imagination.”

“Oh yeah?”

The group of three watched nervously as Raphael began to advance on them. Cadence watched the man as his large and angry eyes were set on Dean.

“I bet you didn’t imagine one thing.” Dean said, thunder from outside booming.


“We knew you were coming, you stupid son of a bitch.”

From a pocket in his coat, Castiel produced a lighter which he threw, lit, onto the floor. A ring caught fire and made it’s way around the angel. Cadence stood looking almost as shocked as Raphael. The flames of the circle reached the man’s waist. He looked down at the ring then at Dean who had moved closer to Cadence.

“Don’t look at me,” he said, “It was his idea.”

Cadence punched Dean from behind while Castiel looked at him. Turning back to Raphael he asked, “Where is he?”

“God.” Raphael’s voice was deep, making the word almost sing.

Castiel nodded in response.

“Didn’t you hear? He’s dead, Castiel. Dead.”

Cadence felt another wave of shock go through her as she looked to Castiel. Dean stood next to her, watching his friend listen to the words. Cadence reached out to touch Castiel’s arm, but he moved it slightly out of reach.

“But there’s no other explanation. He’s gone for good.”

“You’re lying.” Castiel said.

“Am I? Do you remember the Twentieth Century? Think the Twenty-first is going any better? You think God would have let any of that happen if he were alive?”

“Oh yeah? Then who invented the Chinese Basket Trick?” asked Dean. Cadence and Castiel both looked at him.

“Careful,” said Raphael, “That’s my father you’re talking about, boy.”

“Yeah who would be so proud to know that his sons started the freakin’ apocalypse?”

“Who ran off and disappeared? Who left no instructions, and a world to rot?”

“So Daddy ran away and disappeared. He didn’t happen to work for the post office did he?”

Again Cadence and Castiel looked at Dean, this time Cadence was confused, Castiel was calm.

“This is funny to you? You’re living in a Godless universe.”

“And? What, you and the other kids just decide to throw an apocalypse while he’s gone?”

“We’re tired. We just want it to be over. We just want… paradise.”

Cadence felt a twinge of sympathy for the Archangel as she heard the restlessness and longing in his voice. Or what she imagined would have sounded like longing in his voice. The restlessness was there for sure, the need to suppress their rebellious ways was a need that he wanted to fix.

“So what? God dies and makes you the boss and you think you can do whatever you want?” Dean gave a shrug as he finished.

“Yes. And whatever we want… we get!”

The storm gave a loud bang and the window behind them crashed open. Cadence let out a startled scream as she and the two men ducked to avoid the flying shards of glass.

“If God is dead, why have I returned?” Castiel was shouting over the sound of the storm. Dean helped Cadence stand up right, making sure she wasn’t hurt. “Who brought me back?”

“Did it ever occur to you, that maybe, Lucifer raised you?”


“Think about it. He needs all the rebellious angels he can find. You know it adds up.”

Dean and Cadence shared concern looks with each other as Castiel turned, “Lets go.”

“Castiel. I’m warning you… do not leave me here. I will find you.”

Castiel took a moment, then said, “Maybe one day. But today… you’re my little bitch.”

Castiel left, Cadence following. She turned to see if Dean was behind her, and watched as he gave Raphael one last look before saying, “What he said.”

The three of them were in the Impala; Dean driving, Cadence sat in the back, while Castiel sat in the front, staring hard out the windshield. They had been on the road for at least one hour… an hour filled with tense silence.

“Hey, are you okay?” asked Dean finally. Cadence sighed and rolled her eyes at the stupid question. When Castiel didn’t respond he said, “Look, I’ll be the first to tell you that this little crusade of yours is nuts, but… I do know a little something about missing fathers.”

“What do you mean?” asked Castiel.

“I mean there were times when I was looking for my dad when… all logic said that he was dead. But I knew… in my heart, he was still alive. Who cares what some, Ninja Turtle says, Cas. What do you believe?”

Cadence found herself holding her breath as she waited for Castiel to respond, “I believe he’s out there.”

“Good. Then go find him.”

“What about you?”

“What about me? I don’t know. Honestly, I’m good. I can’t believe I’m saying that, but, I am. I’m really good.”

“Even without your brother?”

“Especially without my brother. I mean, I spend so much time worrying about son of a bitch. I mean I’ve had more fun with you and Cadence in the past twenty four hours than I’ve had with Sam in years. And you’re not that much fun. It’s funny, you know, I’ve been so chained to my family… but now that I’m alone…. Hell, I’m happy.”

Cadence looked at the two men, feeling awkward listening to their heart to heart moment. She moved her hand to Castiel’s shoulder, giving it a squeeze. A gust of wind blew at her and she found herself in the middle of a grassy meadow, alone with Castiel.

Looking around she said, “Don’t tell me God is a fan of Twilight.”

“He’s not.”

Cadence smiled, “Right on.”

“I need to ask you for your help again.”

Cadence looked into his sad, puppy dog eye and felt her heart break, “Anything for you, Castiel…. Anything to get your family back.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I know, I know... this was basically the last part of the episode word for word, but hey!...
At least it's an update. :D

I promise the next ones will be not episode based... we're going to take a break from this nonsense for a while.
