Status: Story will be extremely slow updating. Sorry.

Sweet Child of Mine

Good God, Y'all

It was sad. Cadence, Dean, and Sam could do nothing as Bobby realized that the likely hood of him walking was going out the window. The three hunters took turns staying with him, making sure that he was okay. Dean and Sam let Cadence stay with them, Cadence and Dean sharing a bed at Dean’s request. It was rough, but they managed. Their caring went on for three days, and Bobby was now a wheelchair.

Sam leaned against the door and watched as Cadence placed a kiss on Bobby’s head. Walking away she said, “I’m going to get coffee… hopefully he’ll drink it. Do you want anything?”

Sam shook his head, “No. But thanks.”

Cadence walked down the hallway and found a machine that produced coffee. Putting in the change needed, she pressed the combination of the drink, and waited. Looking back at Sam she saw that Dean was back. They were both looking at what Cadence guessed was an x-ray image. She grew curious as she took the coffee and headed back to the room.

Sam was on the phone with someone, but as Cadence approached he took the phone away from his ear like his call had been dropped. Cadence came to a stop by them, “Hey, what’s up?”

“Cas just called.”

“He called? Isn’t he supposed to be like… forever knowing where you are?”

Castiel then came from around the corner and the hunters just stared “Cell phone Cas,” asked Dean, “Really? Since when do angels need to reach out and touch someone?”

Castiel looked at Dean, “You’re hidden from angels now, all angels. I won’t simply be able to-”

“Enough foreplay,” said Bobby, "Get over here and lay your damn hands on. Get healing… now!”

Cadence looked from Bobby to Castiel hopefully, but the angel said, “I can’t.”

Bobby turned to the angel with a look that sent shivers through the hunter’s spines, “Say again?”

Castiel entered the room, “I’m cut off from Heaven. Much of Heaven’s power, certain things I can do, certain things I can’t.”

“You’re telling me you lost your mojo just in time to get me stuck in this trap for the rest of my life?”

“I’m sorry.”

“Shove it up your ass.” Bobby turned to look back out the window.

Cadence entered the room and tried to give the coffee to Bobby, but he wouldn’t take it. From behind her she could hear Dean mumble, “Well at least he’s talking now.”

“I heard that,” said Bobby taking the cup from Cadence, “Thanks.”

Castiel turned to Dean, “I don’t have much time, we need to talk.”


“Your plan… to kill Lucifer.”

“Yeah? You wanna help?”

“No, it’s foolish, it can’t be done.”

“Oh well thanks for the support.”

“But I believe I have the solution. There is someone besides Michael strong enough to take on Lucifer. Strong enough to stop the apocalypse.”

Cadence opened her mouth to say something, but Sam beat her to it, “And who’s that?”

“The one who resurrected me and put you on that airplane… the one who began everything. God. I’m going to find God.”

Cadence looked at Sam, her wide eyes finding his. Dean closed the door not wanting anyone to over hear them. “God?”



“Yes. He isn’t in Heaven, he has to be somewhere.”

Cadence ran her hand through her hair, not sure on how to take the conversation. Dean smiled at Castiel, then said, “Try New Mexico, I hear he’s on a tortilla.”

Castiel gave it a moment’s thought then said, “No he’s not on any flat bread.”

Cadence covered her mouth to hide the smile that forced its way onto her face. Sam saw and shook his head in warning, she saw and nodded telling him that she understood.

Dean shook his head, “Listen, Chuckles, even if there is a God, he is either dead, and that’s the generous theory-”

“He is out there Dean.”

“Or… he’s up and kicking, and doesn’t give a rat’s ass about any of us.”

Cadence watched Castiel’s face, looking for any sign that would suggest violence. Dean walked past Castiel, away from the door, “I mean look around you, man, the world is in the toilet! We are literally at the end of days here, and he’s off somewhere drinking booze out of a coconut. Alright?”

“Enough. This is not a theological issue, it’s strategic. With God’s help we can win.”

“It’s a pipe dream, Cas.”

“I killed two angels this week… it’s my brothers. I’m hunted. I’ve rebelled, and I did all of it, for you. And you failed. Your brother destroyed the world. And I lost everything… for nothing. So keep your opinions… to yourself.”

Bobby broke up the fight by saying, “You didn’t drop in to tear us a new hole, what do you want?”

Castiel did not take his eyes off of Dean, “I did come for something. An amulet.”

“An amulet? What kind?”

“Very rare. Very powerful. It burns hot in God’s presence, it will help me find him.”

Sam scoffed, “God EMF?”

Castiel nodded.

Bobby shook his head, “Well I don’t know what you’re talking about, I’ve got nothing like that.”

“I know. You don’t….” Castiel turned from Bobby back to Dean, his eyes moving down to the necklace he wore.

Dean’s head shot up, “What this?”

“May I borrow it?”


“Dean, give it to me.”

Dean looked at Castiel distantly, his mind too focused on making a decision. Finally he gripped the string, “Alright, I guess.” Handing it to Cas he held back for a moment saying, “Don’t loose it.” Castiel took the necklace and Dean started to fidget, “Great now I feel naked.”

“I’ll be in touch.”

“Wait, Castiel,” said Cadence, “Let me come with you…. I could help you look stuff up and… stuff.”

Castiel paused for a moment, thinking about it, “Yes, I believe that would be helpful.”

Cadence nodded, “Excel-“ Castiel gripped her and they were suddenly in the room of a run down shack in the middle of the desert, “lent.” Cadence looked around, “Dude, where the hell are we?”


Her blue eyes snapped to his, “W-What?”

“If we are to start anywhere, it’s here.”

Cadence nodded, “Right… um I’m going to need my computer.”

Castiel left for a moment then reappeared with her bag. Taking it from him she smiled as she thanked him and she dug around for her laptop. Sitting down she was thrilled by the wireless connection brought by her router. She went to Google and started looking for news reports.

“So… do you have to be close to God for the amulet to go off? Or just in the general area?”

“I have to be in the right area.”

“Can you tell now?”

Castiel shook his head, “No.”

Cadence nodded, “Right well, there are stories of miraculous healings in Jerusalem…. But that could be a cross roads demon.”

“No. Not in the Holy Land.”

“Well look at it this way, Halo Man, Lucifer is strutting around in all his new meaty glory, wreaking havoc on humanity in cruel and unusual ways…. If I were a demon, I would see his rising as an excuse to play in new locations. I’m sure there are all kinds of demons in Simba’s elephant graveyard.”

“It is possible, I guess.”

“It’s the perfect 'fuck you' to God and his angels.”

“I will go to the healings. You-”

“I’m staying here,” said Cadence, “My clothing will offend the shit out of these people, and I’m excited about not getting kidnapped.”

Castiel nodded and was gone, Cadence turned to her computer and started to come up with different places she and Castiel could look. After a couple of hours, however fatigue took over her being and soon she was asleep.

Castiel came back to find his companion on the floor, curled against the cold of the night. He watched her shiver then took off his coat and placed it over her. His eyes looked at her face and a feeling came over him, almost a de ja vu feeling. Reaching out he moved a section of her hair away and studied her face.

A memory suddenly came to him, crashing through his mind like a tidal wave.

“Constance, please.. don’t do this.” Castiel grabbed his partner and pulled her close, “Please…. It’s not as bad as you think.”

“Isn't it?” The angel pushed her self away, “Look, Castiel… look at what’s happening. God has lost control. The humans are killing each other, our brothers and sisters are fighting... I don’t know if I want to be apart of this anymore.”

“Constance, that doesn’t mean you have to leave.”

“What more can I do here, Castiel? I don’t want to fight in the name of someone who preaches against violence. Look… look as His followers slay their kind in His name. I will not stay in Heaven to support a hypocrite.”

Castiel walked over and took Constance in his arms, “Stay for me.”

Constance looked shocked, “Castiel-”

“I don’t want to work with anyone but you.”

“What about Balthazar?”

Castiel scoffed, “A good friend at best, but not someone I would call into battle with.”

Constance looked into her partner’s blue eyes, trying to decide if this would be what love is to humans. Being an angel, however, Constance could not feel the desired emotion, and the familiar want that she had to have emotions and feelings like the humans did came to her. For thousands of years, Constance watched as her father's creations ran around the surface of His Earth having emotions of feelings that motivated their every move.”

Constance pulled away from Castiel, taking a step back, “I’m sorry Castiel.”


The angel went to her partner and placed a kiss on his lips. The kiss was empty of all feeling, and when she pulled away there was no lingering warmth. Giving a sigh, Constance closed her eyes, summoning her strength.

“Constance, no!” Castiel watched in horror as his sister reached deep within her, screaming in pain as she ripped out her Grace. A blinding white light came, forcing Castiel to cover his eyes as Constance was obliterated before his eyes, both her and her Grace plummeting to the Earth below.

Coming back to himself he looked down and knew that without a doubt this was the granddaughter of his fallen partner and sister. A wave of amazement washed over him as he looked at the young woman who, to him, was only in her infancy. Backing away from her, Castiel stood at the window of the small room, his mind going back to his time with Constance.
♠ ♠ ♠
So yeah, here you all go.
I'm going to have to stop posting so quickly... I have up to part like 12 written and I need to write more. I will warn you, the episode "Free To Be You and Me" takes up like.... seven parts, which I am very sorry for. But don't worry! It will all work out in the end. :D

This is the link to Good God Y'all

Other than that, comments?