Sequel: Into the Airwaves

21 and Invincible

can't wait to *** this up

With the top let down on his old dusty rose convertible, Logan had never felt more free. One hand was thrust upwards towards the pale blue sky as the other kept a loose hold on the white leather steering wheel. The radio was blasting some laid-back summer pop tune, but he wasn’t really paying that much attention to the music.

Aviators masked his deep brown eyes as he stole a glance at the girl sitting at his side in the passenger’s seat. Her bare feet were propped up on the dashboard, her coral-painted toes leaving tiny prints across the windshield, but he didn’t really mind. He was used to it by now.

Her own shades were pulled down over her eyes as they sped up and down the curvy backroads of her hometown, the last remnants of summer sunshine casting down on them.

As much as neither of them wanted to come to terms with it, the season was coming to a close. The crisp chill of autumn was already in the air, and some of the leaves on the trees around them were beginning to take on various shades of yellow, orange, and red. The carefree days of summer were over, and it was time to make decisions about the future. Would she stay in Los Angeles with him or go back to South Carolina? Would they stay together, turn this thing into something real, or just be destined to fall to the fate of just another summer fling?

The song faded out, replaced by a slow love ballad, and Kandi immediately changed the station.

Logan wanted something more, wanted her to stay, but he wasn’t sure if that’s what she had in mind. She’d told him she loved him, even brought him home to meet her family, but he still couldn’t get inside her thoughts. He wished he had that Edward Cullen mind-reading setup like in all those movies he’d been forced to watch with Kandi and her roommate. She’d probably be the only exception to the rule; Kandi tended to be the exception to most of his rules.

A part of him could sense that she wanted to return to the south. He could hear it in the way that she explained their surroundings to him, throwing in her own anecdotes as they passed each building in town. As much as she tried to pull away from this place, it still called to her.

It was her home, and he probably wouldn’t have minded settling down with her there, but he knew his career wouldn’t allow it. There wasn’t much of an acting scene in upstate South Carolina.

He shook the thought from his mind, trying to bring himself back to his previous breezy high. She rested her head against his shoulder, shifting in the seat so that her feet were now hanging out the window. Logan smiled to himself before slamming his foot on the accelerator, causing the car to jerk as it sped towards the highway and starling Kandi in the process.

She shot him an exaggerated glare, and he couldn’t help but laugh at her expression. It wasn’t long before she joined him, their laughter overwhelming the sound of the radio.

As the laugher died down, Logan realized that, regardless of what decision she made, things would find a way of working themselves out for the better.
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Another spinoff of this story.