Melissa's Story of Artillicus

Chapter 4

Melissa was laying in Kaleb’s arms, completely worn out from the day’s events. Eventually she did fall asleep but Kaleb never really registered the fact that she did because he was entranced in his own thoughts.

If he told Melissa what Dane said, she would agree and Dane had to have known that. Melissa would do anything she could to help anyone, even if she hated them. Really, Dane must have planned it like that, knowing it would drive Kaleb crazy to the point where he would have to tell Melissa and she would think he trusted Dane so she would go with it.

That was the other thing. Did he trust Dane? After what he did to Melissa, it would be hard to. Kaleb thought about that for a while. Dane seemed sincere. And he said he loved her. He loved her but he didn’t want her. That brought up thousands of other questions for Kaleb, the biggest of which was, how exactly did Kaleb feel about her?

Melissa’s always been there. As far back as he can remember, she’s there, living with him, watching out for him, worrying about him. Granted, he did worry about her just as much and took care of her more because she would forget to take care of herself. Kaleb remembered her past because it was so similar to his in some ways, so much harder then his in others.

She grew up in an orphanage because her parents had died when she was five, but she only stayed there for about three years because when she was eight, she was old enough to work. Her and Kaleb both went from the orphanage together, him at the age of nine and having saved up enough to get a small apartment. They were two halves of a whole.

Admittedly, Kaleb did love her, he just wasn’t sure in what way.

Melissa bolted upright, looking around wildly before calming down a bit and shying into Kaleb’s chest. She didn’t cry but was completely angry, so much so that Kaleb was surprised because he had never seen her with a temper like that.

“Mel? Mel what the hell is going on?”

“It was him. He raped me. He fucking raped me!”

“Mel, calm down it was a dream.”

“It was a memory. I remembered. All I could remember was that. Was him. He raped me and he laughed. That’s all he did.”

“Mel,” Kaleb kept mumbling, helpless.

“What- what did he tell you yesterday? When he took you aside, what did he say?”

“Well, Mel, I don’t think now is the time for you to know. I swear, I’ll tell you tomorrow. When you’re feeling-”

“Kaleb don’t fuck with me! Tell me what he said! I want to know.”

“You only want to make sure he’s not doing something stalker-ish to you.”

“So what if it’s true? Don’t I have a right to know?”

“Mel, he’s not doing anything to hurt you.”

“Then what is he doing?” She stood up off Kaleb’s couch and walked around the cramped living room. “I want to know what he told you. Please, Cub?”

“It’s not right for you to know right now. You hate him and if I tell you, you’ll only think badly about the situation.”

“What?” Melissa shook with anger. “You think I can’t handle it right now or something?”

“No.” Melissa glared at him and he stood up too, dragging her into a chair at the dining room table and bringing her a glass of water. “Mel, if you don’t calm down, you won’t understand. You’ll take it the wrong way. He told me first because he knew I’d know how to talk with you. Calm down.”

“Fine.” They sat there for a while, Melissa sipping at her water and Kaleb staring awkwardly at the table, tracing his finger around an odd and ominous green stain in the wood.

“You ready to listen?”

“You sound like a parent.”


“Yes. I’m calm. I’m listening. You have my complete and undivided attention,” she said, a bit sarcastically. Kaleb shot her a look but went on to explain everything about Leader Oscar and the rebellion and Dane’s plans for it all. He told her about the date that Oscar planned to kill everyone and why he chose it. Melissa didn’t talk once the entire time, just stared blankly at Kaleb until he finished.

“And he wants you because he thinks you’d be the best for the job. He says you’re strong and smart and a born leader.”

“I see. You’re right.”

“Right about what?”

“You shouldn’t have told me today. But not because I was angry with him, because I’m scared of him.”

“Oh. Well, you don’t have to do this. We can get you out of the city, sneek you out before any of this happens.”

“And what, let these people die?”

“He can find someone else! There will be a rebellion whether you’re leading it or not.”

“He knew I’d say yes though. He knew I wouldn’t let this happen. Crap! He’s got me all figured out, huh?”

“So then do the thing he wouldn’t expect, the thing that’s safer on your part! Mel just walk away. For once leave the problem alone, let someone else work out the solution.”

“I can’t. Kaleb you don’t get it, do you? If I can help someone or something, I will. That’s how it works. Always.”

“I knew you’d say that. I knew you’d say that but I just- I needed to try and stop you.”


“Because this is a dangerous job, and exactly what Leader Oscar suspects will happen.”

“I’m going to go tell Dane I’ll agree to do it.” She made for the door then stopped. “Do you- are you going to come?”

“I wouldn’t make you go alone.”

Dane sat at his desk, staring at Melissa and Kaleb.

“Really? You’ll accept the task then? I didn’t expect you to agree so soon. However, I do suppose the sooner the better.”

“As long as Kaleb can be with me the whole time-”

“Of course. Now, I’ll arrange a meeting between you and all the important people you may need to know in the rebellion. And please, come back at nightfall. There’s more you need to know and see.”
♠ ♠ ♠
More tomorrow. PLEASE COMMENT!
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~Love and Magic~