Status: Drabble

Deathly Protection

let's leave for a better place

I will protect you, my girls. I am you mother; it's my job to protect my daughters. This world isn't suitable for young girls like you two. This world is full of murderers and rapists and people who just want to do bad things to you. I will not let them hurt you but the only way I can make sure of that is to take you to a better world.

Come on, my darlings. Grab my hands and I will show you to a different place, a better place.

I’ve brought you two to the beach. You both love the beach and I wanted it to be the last place you see. I know some people may think I’m cruel and that I’m just like all those bad people, but really I’m not. I’m saving you. I’m the only person who isn’t cruel, the person who has enough courage to protect my daughters with my all.

Follow me, my darlings. I will hold your hands as we walk into a happier place, a better place.

The gun is in the pocket of my sundress; I wanted it to be quick. I didn’t want you two to feel pain. If I let you both feel pain, that would ruin everything. But I know pain is inevitable, so I shall make it just a quick pain. I hope you won’t feel fear because I don’t want you to feel fear of your own mother. That would be the most painful things I’d have to see – fear in my own daughter’s eyes as she gazes into mine.

Chase me, my darlings. Let your footsteps follow mine as we enter a golden place, a better place.

I pull the gun out as you both turn your back to me, running to the water. Pulling the trigger is easy and, because I’ve practiced, I hit my target. One down. Quickly, I hit the next one so she won’t see her sister fall and bleed. I smile as I see them fall, knowing I’ve protected them now. I’ve saved them from pain and hurt and torture. I turn the gun to face me.

Come on, my darlings. We’ll leave behind that bitter place and run to the protected place.