Goodnight My Love


Three days she spent in the hospital. Three days he stayed with her without leaving. For three days he watched the love of his life leave him && there was nothing he could do about it.

Katherine && Joe were in a car accident. Joe only suffered some cuts && bruises along with a broken arm but Katherine. She was worse. Two broken ribs && a fractured arm. To make things worse she had a gash on her head that wouldn’t stop bleeding; although thankfully it did stop eventually. The doctor told Joe that she didn’t have too much time left.

The couple had been through so much in the past year. Joe going on a short tour, Katherine modeling in Europe, a fight here a fight there, && Katherine’s breast cancer scare. Plus the death their unborn child.

To Joe it felt like he couldn’t be happy. Whenever things would be going good something would happen && they would go bad. Things were better than ever, he had asked her to marry him. Now she was in the hospital dying.

Joe laid in the hospital bed playing with her hair watching her chest rise && fall with each breath she took. He was scared that any of them would be her last. His eyes trailed up to her face. Her once olive skin now a pale white. Oh how he missed the sparkle in her big greenish-hazel eyes. It seemed like the more time passed the more lifeless they became. He hated watching her die but he couldn’t leave her. Not when she need him.

Soon her eyes fluttered open. She looked up at him && smiled. At least she still has her amazing smile. He thought as he smiled back at her. He kissed her forehead. “I love you Joey.” Her voice so raspy from sleep && soft from the lack of strength she had. To him her usual loud && melodic voice was too raspy && quite. He smiled weakly at her. “I love you too baby.”

Just then the doctor came in. “Hey Joe, Kat. How are y’all today?” Joe told the doctor that he was good while katherine said better. “Can I go home John?” John hesitated for a moment. “I’m sorry Kat but you can’t. If you want to get better you’re gonna have to stay here.” Joe could tell she was frustrated. “Look I know that I’m not gonna get better. I hate hospitals, I always && I always will. You know this fact. I mean I’ve know you since literally birth. I would like to spend my last moments in my home with my wonderful fiancé. I don’t want to die in a fucking hospital. I refuse to.”

John looked at Joe && he could see some type of hope in his eyes. He sighed. “Fine you can go home, only if you promise not to leave your bed unless it is to shower or use the bathroom. I’m only doing this because you’re like family. I would hate to have you die here too.” With that he walked over to kiss her forehead && left to get the discharge papers. Joe soon following after him.

“What’s up John. You && I both know that you wouldn’t let her go home. Why are you? Not that I’m complaining.” John sighed. “She’s sick again Joe. It’s a hell of a lot worse now than the first time she had it. With everything that’s gone on this past year somehow it was over looked. At this point there’s nothing we can do. I wish there was something that could be done but there isn’t.” Joe nodded his head in a slight trance. John left Joe to his thoughts.

A few moments later John was back with the discharge papers. Joe signed them && then he went to go get Katherine so that they could go home. The drive home was silent. Katherine knew that there was something on Joe’s mind.

Upon reaching home they remained silent. That is until they reached the bedroom. “Please get into the bed. I want you to comfortable. Not to mention John would kill me.” Katherine nodded && slowly walked toward the bed while smiling just a little. Joe didn’t want her to fall so he picked her up && carried her to the bed. “I can walk you know.” He smiled at her. “I know but I didn’t want you to fall.” He set her on her side of the bed. “Is there anything you want or need?” Katherine thought for a moment. She then nodded her head. Joe waited patiently for her to speak. “I want to lay here with you. Just me; just you.” It took Joe a moment to realize what she meant. Bare. Joe nodded his head.

So Katherine undressed Joe to the best of her abilities && Joe undressed her to the best of his abilities. Joe laid down on the bed before gently pulling Katherine with him so that she was laying on his chest. Joe loved it when they were skin to skin.

No one spoke for a long time. They just enjoyed each others company. Content with the fact that Katherine was home && that they had each other. That was all that mattered. “Why where you so quiet in the car?” For a moment Joe didn’t say anything. He sighed before he spoke. “John told me that the cancer was back,” He told her trying to hold back his tears, “It’s worse than the first time you had it.” Katherine just held on to Joe tighter && rubbed his chest to try && calm him down. “Just let it out baby.” Joe did. Katherine situated them so that Joe was now resting his head on her chest letting him cry. It was well after one in the morning before Joe had calmed his tears. He knew that Katherine had no more tears about her sickness. He looked at her && saw that she was fighting off sleep. “Go to bed baby. I want you to get as much sleep as you can.” She just shook her head no. “I want to spend as much time with you as I can.” Joe smiled weakly at her. “I know baby but if you sleep you can have energy for tomorrow.” He then wiggled his eyebrows. This caused Katherine to giggle. She kissed the top of his head while she laced their fingers together. Joe stayed where he was; laying with his head on her chest. “I love you Katherine Josephine Nickole Lovato,” He whispered. As she took her last breath she spoke softly, “Always && Forever Joseph Adam Jonas.” With that she was gone.


Over the rest of Joe’s short life I watched over him. It pained me deeply to see him in so much pain. After my funeral he rarely left our home; only to go the store && get what he needed. He shut out his family. Two months after my passing Nick && and Kevin decided to pay Joe a visit.

They called out to him && he never answered. When they reached his bedroom they found him still in bed; unmoving. Joe was gone too. They thought that he had done something to himself but really it was just a broken heart.

The few moments that I wasn’t watching over him he was unprotected. But how can I complain when we’re together again. We’re happier than ever.
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The inspirational lyrics
You may interpret the song differently than I do but I this is what I thought it was about.

I hope that you liked this.
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