

It was cheesy, of course. Everything about him was cheesy from his haircut to his adorably lame jokes. He pushes his glasses further up his nose and stares hard into the mirror, blinking back at his reflection. His shirt fit a little too tight and his jeans were close to cutting off circulation in his legs, but not even that put a damper on things.

The ride to her house seemed longer than normal, though it was just down the street. But as soon as he skidded to a stop in front of the cobblestone path, his bicycle dead weight beneath him, the wait seemed entirely worth it.

She practically catapulted from her seat atop the cool porch; her feet carried her quickly and smoothly into his waiting arms. He pulled away and held her at arm’s length, smiled down at her dress, and whispered that he found her beautiful.

Of course the dress made riding on his handlebars impossible, and while she giggled about it he cursed himself for not driving over. So instead they walked to the park, laughing and chasing each other around trees and bushes, reveling in the beauty of love and friendship.

When the sun fell midway he scooped her into his arms and held her tight, breathing in her scent. She laughed into his shoulder before he slipped away, fell to one knee.

“Will you be my valentine? Forever?” He murmurs, and the velvet black box in his hand pops open.

Her tears made him cry, and when she nodded mutely he slipped the ring on her finger with shaking hands.