Status: All finished and ready to raed. It's a short story :L


This story is a realistic story in a made up world. The name of the flower is made up. Please comment and rate. This is the finished result of three days work. :P I hope you enjoy the stroy.

This story is mainly based in the Spigelia village where the people are troubled by Prince Henry the son of King Jackson. Jacob the cheiftain of the village plans to warn the village of Kibo by sending all the women and children away with a message telling them to prepare. They leave in the next night carrying the message with them. The cheiftains love Tsunabe does not want to leaveb him but she has no choice.
Prince Henry attacks the village of Spigelia. and the rest you'll have to read about ok ;)
  1. Chapter one- The Hidos valley
    In this chapter it describes a recently destoryed town.
  2. Chapter two- The commotion
    This tells us about the main characters in the book and gives us an insite into what happend to the Hidos valley
  3. Chapter three- Leaving it all behind
    This is the departure of the women and children
  4. Chapter four- Henry's arrival
    The unwelcome arrival of the prince Henry and the fight
  5. Chapter five- Henry's demise
    The chapter when Henry is defeated by our heros