Status: Written a long, long, long, long time ago. Putting it up for the world to see

Starry Night

Tonight Is Alive With the Promise of a Street Fight.

“Stacy!” A familiar voice called behind me. I turned around to look through the crowded hallway, hoping to see the smile I knew so well. Instead, my eyes found a deep pair of brown ones, and to be honest, it surprised me.

Shifting uneasily, and pulling my bag tighter against me, I called his name quietly, “Danny?”
“Hey,” he said cheerily, but as he neared me, I could see those brown eyes were troubled.

“What's up?”

“Nothing,” I murmured, “Um...haven't see you around in a while.”

He thought for a moment, moving his weight from side to side. “I guess not. A lot's happening, you know?”

You have know idea. “Yeah.” Silence surrounded us, even though loud chatter was all around. It was awkward to say in the least.

“So, can I talk to you, in private?” I was almost startled when he finally spoke.

“We are talking.”

“In private,” he repeated.

With a sigh, I nodded. Hopefully Connor wouldn't get too impatient outside waiting for me. Almost instantly, Danny took my elbow and led me through the large crowds bustling to leave school.

Finally, we made it outside to the expansive soccer fields stretching in front of us. For once, they weren't completely covered in snow.

“So you and...” he almost grimaced, “Connor.”

My heart jumped at the name but I narrowed my eyes in suspicion, “Yeah.”

“Well, I just don't think he's...good for you.”

Danny was starting to sound like my mother. “It's not up to you to decide,” I said, my words sounding harsher than I intended them to be.

“I know,” he said quietly, taking a step closer. Naturally, I took a step back but he caught my hand.

“Danny, what are you—?”

“But it's up to me to decide when I want to make sure you don't get hurt, if I care about you enough.”

My mind raced and my voice was lost in my throat even though I wanted to scream. I pushed him away and turned around to study the green grass beneath my feet. It was almost amazing to see since I hadn't seen it in what seemed like ages.

Finally I turned around slowly to face him, “I can't deal with this right now.”

“Yes, you can!” Danny sighed like it was so obvious from the beginning. “Just break-up with your little boyfriend and—.”

“And my life will be perfect, right?”

“I didn't say it would.”

“Then what are you trying to say. You just...don't know my life.”

“Right,” he nodded, pretending to understand. “You're still missing Florida. Let it go.”

“Shut up,” I said quietly, staring down at my hands as I twisted them.

“And you love Connor, right? What did he do? Pay you to go out with him?” Every word, every accusation that came out of his mouth cut my heart like an ice blade.

“Stacy, please.” He took my face into his hands, “You have to understand that I'm just trying to protect you.”

I pushed his hands away, a single tear running down my cheek. “I don't need protecting. I'm not some damsel in distress you have to save.”

He sighed, throwing his hands up in defeat. “Fine, but don't come running to me if something happens.”

“I wouldn't hold your breath. Nothing will, and I already told Devon that.”

“Funny you should mention that actually,” this new voice come from around a corner and Devon stepped forward. But the person behind him was what made my heart stop. Connor seemed confused, his eyes brows furrowed together, trying to take in what was really going on. Instantly, I replayed everything I had said in the last few minutes, seeing if I said anything that would hurt Connor as much as Danny hurt me.

“You tricked me?” I asked quietly, looking at the deep brown eyes I was growing to hate.

“This was the best player!” Devon said smiling and pointing at him.

“I wasn't acting,” Danny said through gritted teeth. “I meant what I said.”

I saw Connor wince out of the corner of my eye and I was happy to see I still mattered a little to him. Devon opened his mouth to say something, but everything happened so fast.

I think I heard myself scream. It rang in my ears but I was too busy focusing on the fist fight that had broken out in front of me. Connor had hurled a punch at Devon who then toppled over Danny with the force. Scrambling to stand up, Devon managed to hit my boyfriend square in the jaw. I ran over.

“Connor...” A thin cut ran along his cheek, but I didn't have much time to examine it. He was already standing me up and practically running across the fields to get away. “What the—,” was all heard in the background.

“That filthy son of a bitch,” he said under his breath. Anger poured into his words, something I had never really seen. “How could he...I would never have...Stacy, I...” Connor stopped walking and took my face into his palms, not exactly trying to be gentle. “Stacy, I would never have been mad at you, even if he kissed you.”

“I was afraid I'd lose you,” I whispered, “because of what I said.” This almost made him smile. He wiped away the tears that had fallen more heavily, and brought me closer to his face. “They tricked us both. Nothing those idiots could do would change how I think about you.”

I laughed quietly, “Idiots is such an understatement.”

Connor did smile this time, and I was happy to see it. “You comment on the word idiot, and not the fact that what just happened won't affect us?”

I rolled my eyes. “I'd thought we'd gone through this. I love you, you love me...”

“You're what I want...” he finished.

“Exactly,” I said with a smile. Connor leaned in and kissed me now. I ran my fingers through his hair and I felt him pull away slightly. “You don't know how amazing that feels.” I kept my eyes closed and my face close to his, that minty breath cooling my skin. “Least I can do when you knock somebody out for me.”

“All worth it,” Connor said, kissing me again.