Status: Written a long, long, long, long time ago. Putting it up for the world to see

Starry Night


“Are you sure you can't stay for a little?” I asked, letting my hand linger on the truck handle.
Connor smiled, “You know as well as I do that it won't be for a just while. And both my parents are working so I have to take Jack to practice.”

I sighed, “Okay, see you later.” He leaned in, kissing me gently. I kept my hand on his jaw and his hands stayed around my waist, holding me close as always. The world stopped moving just like the first time.

“Bye,” he said quietly, pulling away and situating himself in the driver's seat again. I opened that car door and stepped out, the lingering warmth of his body disappearing against the cold air, “Bye.”

The door snapped shut and I walked toward my front door quickly, the frigid air blowing my hair in every direction. Once I was inside, the old smell of hazelnut filled the house and it reminded me of the younger, better days; it reminded me of the Sunday mornings where we would have huge breakfasts and stay in our pajamas watching movies.

“Hi honey,” my dad called from the other room.

I winced and tried to make it up the stairs before he came in the room, but I only made it halfway up. “Hi,” I said, forcing myself to make it sound as less harsh as possible.

“How was school?”


My dad nodded, seeming to notice my mood. “So, who was that guy who dropped you off?”

I think I almost laughed. He hasn't even been here for more than a week and he thinks he has the authority to step into my life? “My boyfriend,” I answered.

My dad sipped his coffee slowly, like he did whenever he was thinking hard. “He looks familiar.”

I shook my head, “He hasn't been around here.” The lie spilled easily out of my mouth and it sounded completely true, almost as rehearsed as Connor.

“No, not from around here, I saw him somewhere else.”

Silence fell and I tried to think of the best way to make my way upstairs. “Well,” I finally said, “I'd love to stay and help you figure out puzzles but I have homework.”

“Oh, of course, go. How have you been doing in school, anyway?”

“Pretty good, all A's.” I edged up a step.

He nodded slightly, not saying anything more. I finally went up but just before he disappeared out of sight he asked, “Once you have a chance, could you and I talk? To you know...catch up.”

“Maybe you could explain where you've been?” I muttered.

“I promise I will,” my dad said, and this was when I truly noticed how empty his expression looked. How much the smile wrinkles had faded and how his soft blue eyes lost the sparkle I remembered from when I was a kid.

“Okay,” I agreed quietly, feeling pity for him. All I wanted now was to have my regular dad back, but he'd never be the same.

Later that night, when mom came home, the house was extremely still. It was almost as if everyone was afraid to make a movement and start any fight that wasn't necessary. So just before I went to bed, I asked, “Can I sleep over Taylor's tomorrow?”

My mother thought this over slowly, scrubbing the dishes in slow, rhythmic motion. “Sure, you would just need a ride or go right from school because I'll be working.”

“I can take her,” my dad offered from behind us. My mother sighed, shutting the water off. We had already gotten used to just the two of us, that's how most of our life had always been.

“It's okay,” I said quietly. “I don't know where Taylor lives so she can drive me.”

Mom nodded slightly in approval, “Just call when you get in.”

“I always do. Good night.”

“Night, honey,” my parents said simultaneously. I left the kitchen and ran upstairs to my room.

* * * *

American History passed slowly, being the only class Connor wasn't in. I found myself watching the clock constantly, and it didn't seem understand how much of a rush I was in for this period to be over. The minute hand seemed stuck on each tick mark and occasionally, I found myself counting to 60 to make sure it wasn't broken.

By the time I had finally finished my book work, the bell rang and I had had my things all ready so I could leave immediately. I was in the hallway before the last bell sounded and I pushed the crowd easily.

“Hey Stacy, wait up!”

I turned around to find Taylor and Dylan walking my way. The sight of the two of them made me smile and I waved, “Hey.”

“So can you come over tonight?” She asked bouncing by my side.

“I can.”

She smiled, “Good, just meet me out front and then we'll go.”

I nodded, opening my mouth to say something just as someone's hands covered my eyes. His breath was warm against my neck as he whispered, “Hello.”

Laughing, I turned into him, “Hi.” Connor wrapped his arms around my waist, running his finger up and down my back. Goose bumps rose all of my skin and his touch felt like an electric pulse throughout my nervous system.

“Gooey, gooey,” Taylor said.

“Oh shut up,” I muttered, “You have a boyfriend now, too.”

She looked up at Dylan who had already been looking at her. I saw Taylor blush slightly and wrap her fingers around his, “True.”

Connor laughed and I looked into his green eyes. They were such a brilliant color but so tender the moment they caught your gaze. “Let's get to class now,” he suggested, taking my hand.

I nodded and started walking down the hall. “See you later,” I called to Taylor. She simply waved because she was too busy discussing something with Dylan.

By the time we took our seats in English, Mrs. Anderson was already getting ready to start class. Connor took the seat behind me. Throughout the entire class period, he would whisper things in my ear and if he wasn't doing that, he would subconsciously play with the tips of my hair.

“Would you quit it,” I finally said as Mrs. Anderson discussed the upcoming test. I felt the desk behind me shift as Connor attempted to get closer to me, his lips tickling my ear. “Quit what,” he asked slowly, sliding his feet toward mine.

I blinked, trying to remember what we were talking about. “Um...” I muttered, racking my brain, “Quit distracting me.”

I felt him nod and I imagined him wearing the smirk he always wore, the one that made tiny creases at the corner of his eyes and showed he was thinking something over. “No,” Connor finally said.

My eye brows pushed together and I turned around slightly just as the bell rang. He was already at my side and I stood up, looking at him. He was wearing a classic white shirt and worn out jeans that hung low on his hips. His expression was amused and he watched silently as I picked up my books, tossing them into my tote.

“I'm curious,” he said.

I looked up at him, “Yeah?” We were in the hallway now, pushing our way through the crowd, with Connor's arm wrapped tight around my waist. A few girls would still stare at the way Connor held me, and guys would occasionally nod at me, making my cheeks flush bright red.

“What am I supposed to do tonight?”

I smiled and rested my head against his arm, “I don't know. Go bowling.”

“Bowling,” he repeated quietly, “That's the best you can come up with?”

I sighed, “Fine. Draw...”

“You?” He finished for me. I could feel his eyes tracing the features of my face as I looked back up him. “Sure,” I said quietly.

“Just to warn you, I'm not a good artist.” The front doors came into view now and cool air brushed against my skin as it opened and closed.

I shrugged, “It doesn't matter.”

He pushed the door open easily and we started walking toward where Taylor was standing. “Hey!” She called out, stretching her hand far above her head as if we didn't already see her.
As I waved, she ran over wearing a huge smile. “You have everything ready to go?”

I patted my tote bag, “All in here.” She gave me a thumbs up and turned around just as someone called her name.

Looking behind her and then instantly turning back to us, slapping her palm to her forehead. “Oh shit. Here comes my stalker.”

A short, plump boy started to jog — more like waddle — over toward us. Taylor pointed toward the parking lot and tried to inch away, but he arrived a bit faster than she had hoped. His breath was a bit heavy and he put his hands on his knees for a minute.

“Hey Taylor,” he finally said, straightening up and smoothing back his greased hair. I saw her mouth tighten and her eyebrows furrow together in disgust. “Um, hi Clark.” Silence followed as we waited for Clark to say what he wanted to say and then leave.

“So...are you free sometime this weekend?”

“Clark, we've been—.” Taylor started saying.

“Who's Clark?” Someone said from behind me. We all looked up and saw Dylan standing there with one eyebrow raised. Taylor's expression was surprised as she looked between her boyfriend and Clark, deciding where to start explaining. “Hi,” she said, attempting to keep her voice even. “Clark was just—.”

“Wondering if Taylor was free today,” he said, smoothing his hair again.

“She's not,” Dylan's voice held conviction and he walked toward Taylor, taking her hand, “or any day after that.” She smiled up at him and mouthed a thank you. Clark straightened his posture trying to meet Dylan's tall height and asked, “Who are you?”

“He's my boyfriend,” Taylor said, pronouncing each word slowly and stabbing the air with her finger as if to make a period.

“Well then, we'll see how long that lasts,” Clark said and then he walked away, disappearing behind a corner.

Taylor shook her head and looked up at Dylan, “Thank you.”

He shrugged, “It was nothing.”

Silence followed after that, only the sound of distant chatter and the scrapping of my shoe against the pavement breaking it. Connor squeezed my hand after a minute and looking up at him, he smiled.

“I guess we better get going,” Taylor said, somewhat reluctantly. She hugged Dylan as he ran to catch the bus and Connor kissed me quickly on the cheek. “See you later,” he said quietly.

“Bye,” I whispered as his hand let go of mine and he disappeared into the crowd.

“Well,” Taylor said, walking toward the parking lot. “Let's go have a boy-free night.”

I laughed and started following her, “Great.”