Status: Done! :)



“Ugh…” I groaned one morning when I got up. My phone had sounded loudly from my nightstand, dragging me from a deep sleep.

“Hello?” I mumbled into the receiver, sniffing a little as I sat up. Catching a glance at myself in the mirror, I got an eyeful of the rat’s nest that was my hair. Yikes.

“Hey!” Cam replied cheerily. There was a thumping sound in the background, which was starting to piss me off really quickly.

“What is that noise?”

“What? What noise?” But he knew what I was talking about because it stopped.

I ignored the whole concept, deciding to cut to the chase. “So any reason you called to wake me up?”

“I just wanted to know if you wanted to catch a movie tonight. That new Harry Potter movie is out, and I really want to see it. I figured you’d want to come along.”

“Cam, I have to work today.” I shot a look at the clock and gasped. “Shit, I have to work in a half hour.”

“What time does your shift end?” he asked as I scrambled from my bed and started ripping my uniform out of my dresser.

“Um…” I thought as I got dressed. “I think it ends at three.”

“Okay, so we’ll just see it then. I’ll pick you up!”

“Sounds great,” I sighed. “So I’ll see you then. I really have to get ready.”

The sound of him starting to say bye was all I heard before I snapped my phone shut and shoved it into the pocket of my pants. After brushing my teeth and going to the bathroom as quickly as I could, I was out the door. Thankfully, I could steal some food at the diner. Oh, the perks of working in a restaurant.

As I weaved my way through the crowds on the sidewalks, I couldn’t help but think about Cam a little. We had hung out every day since he had been back in the city, and he didn’t even appear to be looking for a job. There was a high demand for apartments in the city, so he’d only be able to pay for his apartment for so long before he got evicted.

I loved seeing Cam more than the next person, especially since I still got butterflies when I looked at him. However, there was such a thing as stifling. I still wanted my nights alone, where I could lounge around in sweatpants and pig out on popcorn as I watched OWN.

No matter how many times I tried to dismiss the thoughts from my mind, just thinking that it was cute how Cam wanted to spend a lot of time with me, it still nagged me. Why did he want to spend so much time with me? It wasn’t possible that he could even remotely feel the same way I felt about him, right?

Of course not.

“Layla!” Ashley snapped her fingers in front of my face. “In a daze, are we?”

“Sorry!” I laughed, grabbing the awaiting food and bringing it to the table while trying to resist the temptation I had to steal their meal.

* * *

“Ready for the movie experience of your life?” Cam laughed as we pulled into a parking spot in front of the movie theater.

“Totally prepared,” I responded with a smile. I didn’t know how Cam remembered, but he brought me some clothes to change into so I didn’t have to stay in my uniform. Something told me that Tory was involved though. The little sneak.

It didn’t take long for us to buy our tickets, since the movie had been out for a while. Of course, I had to get popcorn and a soda, which Cam paid for, since he said that I had worked my ass off at work all day, so I deserved it. Suck up.

Cam was almost hopping up and down in his seat even as the trailers were rolling. “Will you stop?” I chuckled lightly as I put my arm on his shoulder.

“I just can’t wait for it to get started, that’s all,” he defended with a smirk that I could see, even in the dim light.

I let out a sigh and leaned back, watching his leg bounce up and down with anticipation. I wondered about him.

My mind involuntarily went back to thinking about Cam and why he needed to spend so much time with me. That was when it hit me, while he was sitting right next to me.

What if his stay was temporary?