Status: Finished

Unus Amor

Chapter Two

The plane ride was interesting I sat next to a man who looked like Dwight from the Office. He said his name was Karl with a K. He was an odd man, but different strokes for different folks.

I mainly just listened to my iPod on the 4 hour trip. Noise canceling head phones make my life. I don’t care if I can’t hear by the age of 40, I want to listen to my music loudly and block out the world.

News speculation is saying that John O’Callaghan will be on the same cruise as me... Can’t wait. I guess as long as I don’t see him I will be alright. Don’t get me wrong, I find him attractive, it’s just gross how everyone is obsessed with him therefore I am forced to hate him just like I was forced to hate the Jonas Brothers. Actually now that I think about it, that was my choice.

Our flight is almost over. Thank the Lord! The smell of stale astronaut, I mean plane food, was getting to me.

I hopped off the plane at LAX with a dream and my cardigan. Just kidding, I am in the Bahamas where it is too hot for cardigans. Too many Miley Cyrus allusions.
I see screaming girls who looked like they were out for blood. That can only mean one thing, either there was a sale at the teeny boppers store, or Justin Bieber was on the premises.

I turn and look over my shoulder only to see...