Status: Finished

Unus Amor

Chapter Three


She was in the same airport as me?! Wow, Oprah is only like my hero! I can’t believe she is ending her show. Disappointment of my life. But I guess her now having the Own Network makes up for it.

I run full speed at her. Fear crosses her face just a second before I engulf her in a hug. Before I knew it, I was on the ground twitching. One of her body guards tazed me. I lay there limp as cameras go off around me. Flashes of lights are all I can see until it fades to black.

Okay so that didn’t really happen, but it would have been amazing if it had. Oh Oprah.

Back to reality, I saw Oprah and waved like the queen. She responded in waving back with one of her Oprah smiles. I depart sadly gazing at my hero longingly after snapping a picture of her of course.

“Hey idiot” Sean called from in front of me.

“I do have a name you know.” I bitterly responded.

“No, I know you do but idiot suits you better than Ashlee.”

“Lets go dingleberry.” A dingleberry is the piece of poop that hangs of the back of a dogs butt, for those of you who don’t know.

“Mom told you not to call me that!”

“Whatever.” I say as I plug in my other ear with sweet sweet music. Now if today wasn’t already long enough I have to try to navigate through the Bahamas in the last rent-a-car left. A big brown box. You know what I’m talking about, the kind of van that is usually accompanied by a sign on it that reads “Free Candy”. Except this van was brown, not white.

I went through 54 songs before we made it to the loading dock. But the wait was worth it. I am feeling a full on rush of adrenaline because of this view. I am taken aback. Of course my brother has to ruin the silence by yelling, “We are in the Bahamas, baby!”