Status: Finished

Unus Amor

Chapter Four

The little bell man, or hopper- I am not quite sure what they are called now a days- took our bags and placed them gently near inside room. We splurged on an ocean-side room. There is a huge porthole window that shows the magnificent water and the breath taking landscape.

I took this as an opportunity to explore the ship I was to call home for an two weeks. There was a little teen hangout that I thought I might check out keeping in mind teen meant 12-15 year olds and the middle school crew. I walk in and am immediately greeted by an overly excited woman in a uniform.

“Welcome to the ‘Teenage Dream’!” Wow, how creative. “My name is Carla and I would love to help you if you ever need assistance” she said with a fake painted on grin.

“Thanks Carla, I think I am fine for now.” I say in an equally fake voice.

“Don’t hesitate to ask.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t.” I feel like it would be fun to get her panties in a twist by causing some sort of trouble. I will add that to my list of things to do while here.

The ‘Teenage Dream’ was actually pretty cool. There were a bunch of PG- 13 movies on the screen and little laptop stations everywhere. Can you never get away from technology? I look around to see what other kind of kids are here. Kids who have their eyes glued to ‘She’s the Man’; kids who are sitting in a group not talking, but texting friends at home; kids who look like it is killing them on the inside to even be here; and kids who are running around playing stupid games like ‘Truth or Dare’.

But one kid really stuck out to me. He had sandy blonde hair that looked purposefully
messed up to look like he didn’t do anything to it, he had a cute blue tank top that from
the looks of it, it was Glamour Kills, and he was sitting by himself reading a book.

I thought I would walk up to him since he seemed pretty chill and around my age. Anything was better than the girls wearing the Miley Cyrus for Walmart clothes.

“Hey, I’m Ashlee.”

He looks up from his book and says, “Hey, I’m Jack.”

“Cool, what are you reading?”

“Rereading Harry Potter, you can never read it too many times.” He says with a laugh. For some reason he looked really familiar, but I couldn’t place him.

“Agreed. Which is your favorite?” God smooth moves Ashlee, he probably thinks you are a freak for asking him nonstop questions.

“I really liked the third and sixth.”

“Me too!” Yet again Ash! Calm down!

“I have to go, I guess I will see you later?”

“Yeah, you’ll see me later. I mean we are both going to be on the same boat for two weeks, so...” And she sticks the landing.

“Yeah.” He chuckles and awkwardly walks away. Why am I so good at talking to cute boys?
♠ ♠ ♠
hey yall. I hope you guys are liking the story so far. Granted it is slow and boring, things will pick up. :)
first day on ship