Welcome to Club Chaos; a Darklife Story

Welcome to Club Chaos

"Mam!" I yelled, leaning over the banister. I could hear my mother singing at the top of her voice with the radio up as loud as possible. Sighing, I ran downstairs into the kitchen, where she stood at the cooker stirring something in a large saucepan, surrounded by a clutter of strange shaped bottles full of weird colours. I rolled my eyes. She was experimenting again.
"Mam have you seen a memory spell? I made one last night and I can't find it now," I asked her as I opened the freezer and rummaged behind the ice cream and frozen vegetables for the small pink bottle.
"Oh. Is this it Evie?" I turned to see Mam guiltily holding out a squat little bottle. Which was empty.
"Bummer. I needed that one for Monday. I'm going to fail that stupid Chemistry test now!" I groaned and threw myself into a chair. Mam clicked her fingers, turning off the radio and stood facing me with her hands on her hips.
"Evelyn Scott, I have told you this before. Never use your powers for school! It's about the only rule I have!" I sighed and laid my head on the table. "Sorry Mam, I was kinda desperate. Plus it's a bit annoying being a witch and all, and not getting to use my powers." Mam smiled and hugged my shoulders. "I know love. Now hurry up, because you need to help Marc and Julia out tonight at Chaos."
"But it's my night off," I whined, as she picked up her keys.
"Well your uncle is sick, and they need you to cover." Mam giggled as I threw my jacket on with a scowl. "Oh they'll pay you for the overtime, love. Come on, I'll drive you down."

Club Chaos was a bar run by my aunt and her son, who were both witches too. It was a supernaturals only place, which meant we got werewolves as well as witches, along with the occasional few vampires. Sometimes a fight would break out though, between the Weres and vamps. Those two never got along.
The place was nearly full when Mam dropped me off, though it was only about eight o'clock. Most patrons didn't even drink, and just came to find out what was happening in the world of the Darklife. Witches, Weres and vamps; we were all Darkdwellers.

Tonight it seemed a lot was going on. A new coven of vamps were causing a lot of trouble over the last few weeks. They'd been picking fights with Weres and other covens, even attacking some witches. They'd also been careless about hunting. It was a big city, but humans were bound to notice if the murder count suddenly increased. It meant there was serious tension tonight between the vampires and the other Darkdwellers in the club. Marc had to stab a silver knife into the bar between a vamp and a Were to stop a fight starting at one point.
"We might have to start kickin' people out if this gets much worse Evie," Julia remarked to me at about half ten. Julia was my mam's baby sister. We looked a lot like each other, pale with dark brown hair. I'd chopped mine off a few days ago though, while Julia's fell to her waist. I looked up from mixing a Bloody Mary for a tall blond vamp (we added lambs blood for them), to see her staring anxiously around the club. The vampires were all grouped together at one side of the dancefloor, and some of them looked ready to get up and respond to the challenging looks they were getting from the Weres. I handed the blond vamp his change and turned to Julia. "Well it's been worse be-" I began, just as the door opened and about nine or ten vampires swaggered into the club.
Instantly the tension cranked up several notches. You could've cut the air with a god damn spoon. Clearly this was the new coven who were causing so much trouble. I fingered the silver stake I had in my belt as they walked up towards the bar, oblivious to the surly mutterings that had replaced all conversation. Julia reached for the knife at her belt and nodded to Marc. Casually, I pulled the gold crucifix I wore on a chain out of my shirt.
The club gradually got noisy again, though I saw a good few people finish their drinks and make a hasty exit. I counted nine vamps, including the leader, a tall black-haired male with a weird cross shaped burn on his forearm. He leaned on the bar and grinned at me, flashing his fangs. I sighed.
"What can I get you?" This guy may have been badass, he was still a customer. "Bloody Mary?"
"Just the blood, sweetheart." I'll admit, he was good looking. Show me a vampire that isn't, but as vamps go, this guy was gorgeous, with these unusual greeny/brown eyes.
"It wouldn't be your blood, would it?" He asked, smirking at my neck.

Didn't make him less badass though.

I was tempted to spike his stupid drink with holy water."It's lambs blood," I snapped. "You want human, check out The Morgue across town. It's a all vamp club." I could see Marc keeping an eye on me, making sure he didn't try anything on me. Though I didn't let it show, this vamp was freaking me out and pissing me off at the same time. I pushed the bottled blood and a glass towards him. "Seven euro please."
"You don't talk much, do you sweetheart?" he chuckled as he handed me a fifty. "I'm Damien, by the way."
I handed him his change. "I'm busy. Enjoy your drink." I turned away and started serving Jack Daniels to the witch next to him. Damien laughed and walked away. "I will."
"Jackass," I muttered once he was out of earshot. The witch I was serving laughed softly. "Hey Evie, I could hex him for you, if you like?" he asked hopefully. I shook my head. "No fights tonight Luke." He nodded and went back to his table.

Marc, Julia and I were on edge for the whole night, waiting for a fight to break out. Damien and his coven stayed all night, sitting in the corner laughing and joking, seemingly oblivious to the glares and fearful looks they were drawing from everyone else. About ten minutes before closing, they stood up to leave, and I sighed in relief. It didn't look like anything would kick off tonight
Just as I opened my mouth to say this to Julia, there was an enraged bellow from one of the werewolves. I recognised him as Ian, an alpha from one of the estates outside town who led my my friend Liam's pack. One of Damien's coven, a tall willowy blond girl, had said or done something and Ian was now towering over her, backed up by about twenty of his pack. The rest of the coven were backing up the blond vamp while Damien stood to one side, smiling.
Before we could react, Ian threw himself at the blond vamp. The air was filled with howls andd shrieks as the two sides tore into each other. Marc threw himself over the bar, yelling for the bouncers at the door. Panic ensued as everyone else in the club tried to get away from the fight.
"Evie, catch!" Julia yelled. She tossed me a water gun, loaded with a concoction of silver dust mixed into holy water. It was one of the best and least fatal ways of breaking up a Were-vamp fight.
Standing on the counter, I soaked the mass of bodies. The howls and shrieks broke off into yelps and shouts of pain. It wouldn't kill them, but they'd all have pretty nasty rashes for a week. Marc managed to restore order by shotting blue and gold sparks from his fist with a bang. "Alright!" he yelled. "Everybody, out! Ian, get your pack home!" I hopped down off the counter and pushed my way over to Ian.
"Sorry bout that man, somebody couldv'e been killed" I told him, taking him by the wrist and healing the long gash in his arm with a wave of my hand. He shrugged and rolled his sleeve down. "You did good." He grinned and clapped me on the shoulder. "Thanks for the healing. See you around Evie." He strolled off to gather his pack.
"Well, that was fun. . ." I turned to see Damien beside me, unscathed. "I suppose my friends and I won't be allowed back here anymore, after this mayhem."
"Damn right you won't." I snapped. "Now get the hell out before I hex you or something" I told him, pointing to the door.
"That's a shame." He caught my outstretched hand and brought it to his lips. "I was hoping to get more acquainted with you. . . Evie," he purred, kissing the back of my hand before walking away. "See you around sweetheart."
I was frozen to the spot for a moment, before sighing and rubbing my forehead. If I saw him around anytime soon, I thought grimly, I'd probably dig the bastard's heart out with a spoon and fill the hole with garlic.
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Hey. So this is a short I wrote for school ages ago, and I thought I'd just pop it up here, see how you all like it :) Aalso, if you think I should develop it more, do feel free to give me feedback, it's always welcome :)
hope you liked it
Angel Fake