What If You Did Live?

What If?

What if you did lived? What if all the movies lied, that you don’t die? All the movies I seen about people jumping off the bridges dies, I don’t understand. Its just water I know hitting the water from way up height feels like slamming onto concrete but again its just water. The worst that could happen is you freeze to death but still what does everyone have to die?

I always wonder what would happen if I did jump would I die or would I live. I wanted to see how it felt jumping into the air crashing into the water; would my body go into shock? Or would I die just like the movies? I’ve never talk about this to someone I didn’t need someone to think I was insane or thinking about killing myself, I was far from that. All I wanted to do was just to see what I live or die.

I was standing on top of the bridge wanting to jump, needing to jump just to see. Maybe I would be wrong and I would die before I could even open my eyes, or maybe I would be alive just like I am tonight. It was no were near cold outside so I couldn’t freeze to death by the water, maybe just hitting it this height would kill me.

Water can’t kill you unless you let it, so maybe I do have a chance. All I have to do is let go just to see what happens, just to see if I get to live. My chances of living are the same as me dying, so what do I have to lose?. I know the water will be cold I know my body was be shock by it but I don’t have to let death win, I can fight it. I can prove to myself that I can live if I jump that not every body dies from jumping.

I look out one more time I know what I have to do, I let go of the rail. I can feel the air all around me as I fall, now I will know if I live or die.
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