Falling for the Boy with Green Eyes

Is this Real Life?

*Alarm Rings*

Me: "AHHHHH! that'll be the last time ill have to deal with this stupid alarm clock." -.-

I walk into the bathroom and then take a shower. When I got out of the shower, the fire alarm came on.

Me: "OH COME ON!!!!"

I started to get pissed. I quickly got changed, and ran out the bathroom with my chuck taylors. Quickly, I ran down the stairs and saw smoke and fire coming from the kitchen. God, there was fire on the stove and the wooden cabinets were burnt. i ran out the front door to my family and asked a bunch of questions.

Me:"How did this happen??!!" I asked my mom. She turned her head to Bob whose gonna be my step-dad in a couple months.

Me: "How could you??" I said starting to choke up. "Gasp! THE PICTURE! MOM!! I HAVE TO GET DAD'S PICTURE ITS THE ONLY THING WE HAVE LEFT OF HIM!!! I HAVE TO GET IT!!" I said crying.

Mom: "Darling no! It's to late to get it." " NO! ITS NOT TO LATE!" i said while running towards the half burnt house but then one of the firefighters stopped me before I could even step on our porch. All I did was cry and watch our house fall apart. (this song starts playing) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KA1LYTWtVQ0