Status: Working on it

College Lessons

Stop Staring

"Nah girl, I don't know how to surf. The fuck I look like?" Rawry gives Hannah a 'Look-at-this-girl' look.

"Like a Cali kid. Come on. You lived here your whole life almost!" I smile at Hannah who winks at me. She didn't understand that in our part of Cali, surfing was just a weird, lame hobby. I did it once, didn't like it.

"Man, whatever. Mikey, you got everything?" Rawry closes his trunk and I throw his keys at him. It's finally the weekend everyone is heading to the beach. Since CAU and Regmold is so well known for its bonfire, the Rap 77 radio station is sponsoring it. They set up a concert for Wiz, Roscoe Dash, Chevy Woods, and Mac Miller to come. Some other known people are suppose to come. Everyone's hyped and a lot of other colleges are coming.

"Yeah, I'm good." Rawry nods his head toward someone behind me and I turn to see Cassie and Loca coming our way. Cassie looks cute and Loca looks kinda like a....hoe. Hard to believe the girl is 16.

"Hey," she says smiling at me. " You got my stuff into the car? Was it too much?"

"Naw, you was good." She smiles at me and kisses me on the cheek, causing everyone except Loca to make 'Ooooo' noises.

"Alright! Chop chop! Lets roll out so we can get a good parking spot!" Loca says hitting me on the back softly. She hops in the passenger seat and winks at us. Hannah rolls her eyes and Cassie sighs. I can tell that their best friend is the diva. Rawry hops in the drivers seat and the rest of us get in the back.

"Yo, I thought you had another roommate?" Hannah leans forward and looks at Rawry confused.

"He copped a ride."

"Actually...," I mumble. We all watch as Toni', right on time, runs out the dorm building and spots our car. He runs to our car and taps on Rawry's window.

"Let me guess. Your ride left you. And you need one."

"Yeaaaah. Those punks dropped me for 2 girls. So can I-."

"Get in." He smiles and Rawry pops the trunk for him. He throws his back in and squeezes into the car. At first we all moan and groan, but he made Loca scoot toward his body a little. She seemed to be OK with this.

The car ride was pretty fun. We all sang along to the radio, told funny stories, raced against kids from our school, and checked out the scenery. It only took about an hour and 30 mins to get to our destination. Already, there were lots of college kids and people setting up for the bonfire.

"Hell yeah. I hope I can get some good ass vodka," Loca squeals as we drive around looking for a parking spot. We find one and slowly get out stretching and checking out the scene. It looked pretty dope and I could tell I was gonna have a good time.

"Toni', go find a good spot," Hannah says.

"Why me? I'm too fine to be looking like a-"

"Were you even suppose to ride with us? No." He groans and gets the beach towels and umbrellas. I snicker as he walks down the stairs, struggling a little.

"I have a feeling that kid is gonna be a handful," Cassie says. Hannah laughs and starts to get the snacks she packed and her stuff. We all get our stuff and go look for Toni'. The kid would choose a place that was at least a 10 minute walk away.

"Hey, hey. I found a spot at least. And look, a perfect view of sexy ass girls. And the concert area is only a 10 minute walk from here. And food is right across the street.. The bonfire is a little further from the concert. So chill my people."

"Lets just take it." I put my stuff down and watch as everyone except Cassie runs to the water. The beach is pretty decent. They cleaned it up a little bit for a huge fee.

"Imma sit here for a few minutes."

"I'll stay with you. Actually, lets make a sand castle or some shit."

"Hm, I like your idea. I was the queen of sand castles as a kid whenever we would go to Florida."

Our sand castle didn't look the best, but it was decent and fun to make. Cassie was goofy and sarcastic which kept me laughing. We flirted by making fun of each other and had a bunch of pinches and shoves.

"God, its hot." I looked at her outfit. She was one of the only girls wearing actually clothes. Shorts, gladiator sandals, and a Marilyn Monroe tank top. I watched as she removed her shirt in the sexiest way I ever seen a girl do it. Her swimming suit made her tits look perfect. And damn, she had a flat stomach with a sexy ass curve showing her hips. I watched as she got up and pulled her shorts off.

This girl was giving me a boner is all I can say.

"Lets go in the water with the others?" I nod and try to say something but I can't. I simply take my shirt and shoes off while still staring at her.

"Your mouth is still open hun," Cassie whispers in my ear as we walk into the water. She uses her finger and pushes my chin up and I grin.

"My bad. I can't admire?"

"You can. You can." She smiles and splashes some water onto me and I attempt to duck. She giggles and runs but I catch up to her and pick her up tickling her stomach a little.
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Sorry for the wait.