Status: Working on it

College Lessons

You Want Me

I watched Cassie slowly bob her head to the song I made her listen to on my ipod. I smiled noticing she was feeling it. We were in my dorm chilling on the bed at 12:00 at night. The guys went to a party for the weekend and wouldn't be back till Monday. It was way pass curfew, but I told her to just stay with me.

"What is this? I would have never thought you would listen to someone with this type of music." She pulls off my headphones and looks at me smirking.

" It's Frank Ocean. He's in Odd Future. Every girl is in love with him. Shocked you never heard of him."

"Whats the song?"

" She. You feeling it I see. Thought it might be a little weird for you. Makes me think of you" I softly shove her and she giggles.

"No, it's oddly cute. Thought you would choose something freaky though." She winks at me and kisses me on my cheek.

"Oh so you're like that? I see," I say kissing her on her neck. She moans and puts her hand on my face. I pull her on top of me and slowly pull at her lips. She smiles and puts her lips on mine.

My eyes don't shed tears but boy they pour, when I'm thinking about no no no, i've been thinking about you..

Cassie stops kissing me and looks toward my headphones.

"What song is that?" She picks up my headphones and listens to Thinking About You. I watch her and notice shes listening really hard to the lyrics. Her eyes has a look I can't seem to place. I touch her arm but she softly touches mine to make me stop.

"Thinking About You." I finally say as I hear the song end.

"It's...nice." I nod and smile at her. But she looks away and I can see her eyes watering.

I didn't get to figure out why she was so sad. I really didn't think it was the time to ask. I kinda put it to the back of my mind.

The next day I woke up to everyone being gone and sighed when my alarm clock went off. Damn, I wish I could just chill.

"Mikester! Come to this art opening tonight. It's mostly abstract art and Japanese art. You'll love it though." Hannah says to me as I walk to my English class. She goes to hers and I say bye. I give my greetings to a few of my niggas and hugs to some of the females I met so far.

"Mr. Houston. How are you?"Professor Heartly greets me. I smile and say how I am and ask her. She was my favorite professor. She taught us about racism, love, friends, money problems, and other life lessons while juggling teaching us English literature. I admired her a lot. The other kids did too and encouraged kids to take her next semester if they could. The only person who didn't admire her was Loca. Lets say Loca is ignorant.

"Why is she always fucking saying this type of shit," she whispers to me. Professor is talking about how as black people, we forget our roots and money becomes our main goal.

"It's true. Look at rap music."

"You listen to it," she hisses back. I sigh and roll my eyes.

"Some rap songs actually speak the truth. Don't just listen to the radio. And you're getting mad because you been given everything you wanted your whole life. You're rich."

"That is not true!" She pinches me on my knee and I glare at her. I was seriously getting tired of her.

"Loca, why are you so fucking stuck up? Man girl, no one has time for your shit," I hiss. I never really went off on a girl before, but she just needed some fucking sense told to her.

"Whatever," she huffs and pays attention to the professor. " Mikey, you know, you don't have to be rude to me. It doesn't turn me on."

"What girl?" I look at her from the side and see the mischievous smirk shes wearing. Shes filing her nail and pretending to listen to the professor whos telling us about the government money controlling us and randomly asking kids about what they think. I liked that about her.

"I saw the way you was looking at me the other day. I'm not dumb. Mikey, if you want me, we can keep this from Cassie. Just let me know though."

"Wait..wait. Ha, my nigga. Say that once more. Just once more," Rawry says. Him, Toni, and I are chilling in our dorm room playing Grand Theft Auto and Rawry's smoking a blunt.

"Loca is flirting with me and pretty much told me fuck Cassie," I put my hands on my head and sigh.

"Loca? Damn. Bitch was leading me on. She lucky I just wanted some pussy," Rawry laughs again which he has been doing since I told them thise 5 minutes ago.

" Loca wouldn't even go near your aids infested dick," Toni' says. I laugh and slap him on the back. Rawry had been bringing multiple girls since we came here.

"Shut up white boy. Always got shit to say. You bring more girls around here than me."

"Really? How many have you seen here?"

"...2.. Man shut up. Means you ain't getting no pussy. How many girls have you had anyways? Since you over here talking."

Toni' shrugs causally and runs over some people in the game. "Maybe 7. Maybe 12. Lost count kinda. I don't bring them around here. Mostly go to they dorms or apartments."

" Maybe you should do that Rawry," I suggest. He gives me the middle finger and hits the blunt.

"What you gonna do about Loca?" Rawry goes back to the main subject.

"Don't know. Can't tell Cassie. Just gotta find a way for her to hop off my dick. I'll handle it."