Status: Working on it

College Lessons


" Granny, mom hasn't came around has she?" I listen to the silence on the other end of the phone and hear her sigh.

"Baby, I let her stay with me for a week. I just signed her up and gave her money for a rehab hospital. So she should be getting better."

"You believed that bullsh... That lie?" I rub my forehead and sigh.

"Don't scold me little boy. Everytime I tell you I'm trying to help her, you get mad. I'm the adult here, now ya hear me? Hello?"

"Yes, Granny." I look at the door as Rawry and Toni' comes in sweating and looking mad. Toni' throws the basketball hes holding on the bed and Rawry slams the bathroom door as he goes in.

"Do you wanna talk to Heaven? Shes been asking about you. Also tell me about your little girlfriend. When can I meet her? Tell Rawry I said hey will ya. And that roommate you talk abou. Have you-."

"Granny, listen I'll call you back tonight. I promise. Love you."

"OK baby. Love you too." I hung up and turned toward Toni'.

"Whats wrong with yall? Lost basketball game that bad man?" Toni' glares at me and makes a loud grunt noise.

"What the fuck is wrong with this world? Why the fuck can't everyone just get along. What the fuck is wrong with me hanging with black people?"

"Yo where all this coming from?"

"Rawry and I at the court with some other niggas playing against niggas from Regmold. So they start getting mad because we won. 50- 42. One nigga starts yelling racist shit at me and his other niggas join in. Like bro, what the fuck? Whats wrong with different races chilling together? Its 2011. So we all start getting into a fight till some dudes break it up. Man, I'm just heated. I had to deal with this back home. Thought I could get away. It just follows me."

"You gotta just ignore them. I mean just let them be ignorant. At the end of the day, you're still you. You get me? You can't control your skin color and you have the right to hang with who you want. Everyone has some time of African American, Caucasian, Asian, Latin, whatever race in them. So basically people who are racists are making themselves look dumb."

"You right. But man. This shit Ignorance is a bitch."

Eventaully Toni' and Rawry chilled out about the fight. They knew how to let things go instead of staying mad for long. I headed to Cassie's dorm to chill. We hadn't seen each other in 3 days. The last time was the art opening Hannah had told me about. My group and Cassies had gone and we enjoyed ourselves. Rawry kept Loca busy and Toni' kept Hannah busy. It was a dope day.

"Hey babe," Cassie says opening the door. I look her up and down taking note in my mind to check out her ass in her leggings when she walks in front of me. Damn this girl always looked good even when she was attempting to bum.

"Hey baby," I kiss her on her lips and walk in. " Whats all this?" She has a bunch of movies and junk food on the floor.

"For us. I wanna just chill inside today with you. The girls went to do their own little things till tomorrow." She sits on top of my lap facing me and smiles.

" I think I love your roommates and mine for always going out." She turns her head sideways and laughs.

"Its called IOUs with them. So you welcome."

"Mmmh," I say leaning forward to kiss her and moving her hips closer to me. Her lips meet mine and we start making out. Cassie slowly grinds against me. She must want to have sex with me. She can't be playing with me like this. Damn that feels good. I go for her neck and start sucking it causing her to moan and rub her hands against my chest.

"Baby..," she whispers and moans at the same time.

"Hm?" I say putting my hands into her leggings and playing with her a little.

"I think I'm ready....."
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this will continue next chapter.