Status: Working on it

College Lessons

First Loves and Hardships

"My nigga Mikey finally graduated!" Rawry hits my back hard causing me to tumble a little. I'm a skinny dude while Rawry is pretty buff.

"Yeah, just watch your mouth. You know how Granny is. Plus Heaven might catch that word," I close the door and grin at my boy. We known each other since childhood. He was also hustling on the streets at 6. But not because he had to. No, Rawry needed money for his 12 year old girlfriend who was a brat. Now Rawry says "Bitches should buy their own shit." I wonder how he got accepted into college.

"He's right. Hello Ronald, how are you," Granny kisses him on the cheek and pats his cheek softly.

"I'm good Granny Verona." He loves her more than he loves his grandma almost. Heaven comes scooting to where we are from her room. Rawry squats and picks her up tickling her. He also loves Heaven. His little sister died when she was 5, so he calls Heaven his sister.

"Are you excited your best friend is coming to your college?"

"Yeah, I'll make sure he's a good boy and stays dedicated to his work. Like me," He does a cocky grin and I laugh. Rawry only likes to party, meet girls, and get high. But he still manages to cheat through all his class.
"That's a good boy. Let me go finish these dishes. Put Heaven in her crib for her nap," Granny says walking back to the kitchen. Rawry puts Heaven in her crib and I start walking to my room. He enters and closes my door.

"Man, let me tell you. The bitches at CAU are sexy as fuck. And they're different," Rawry licks his lips and rubs his hand together thinking about something.

"Different? Man, whats that mean? Your version of different is classy hoes." Rawry laughs. Classy hoes were girls who were nasty but at first glance, you couldn't tell. When he was in high school with me, he never could find one.
"Naw, I mean these girls are different, different. They wear what they believe and have different styles. And you know how you are about girls."

Girls in high school to me were childish. I had gone out with at least 5 girls in high school. Each one worse than the other. The first one, Miki, was at first cute and flirty. But when we started going out, she became clingy and would always brag about how our names are alike. I couldn't even break up with her. The second and third one just tried to use me for money, but I was broke. They always made fun of my style and personality. The fourth, I fell hard for this girl. Olivia was like me. Deep, kept to herself, and had her own style. While all the girls went to the hair salon and had straight hair, she had naturally curly dyed blond and red hair. She wore green contacts or nerd glasses and always complimented me about my style. We would talk on the phone for hours and hours, laughing about silly things. She knew my life story, I knew hers. We went out for 3 years and 8 months. I remembered. But then, one day she came to my house crying at 12 p.m..

"Listen Mikey," she started to say. I wiped a tear from her eye and frowned. I hate to see her cried." There's something I never told you."

"What is it?" I put my hand under her chin and tilted her head up. Her green contacts gleamed in the dim light.

"I had an ex. And he was abusive. He went to jail for four years for threatening me and raping another girl to scare me. He got out. So now my family and I have to move." Olivia choked out a sob and buried her head in my chest.

Two weeks later, she moved to another part of California. My first love, gone. I tried to find another girl, and she was a prep. I didn't like her.

"Mikey! Are you thinking about Olivia again?" Rawry snapped his hands in my face and I jumped.

"Oh...kinda." I shrugged and picked up a football I had laying on my messy floor.

"Man, forget that bitch!"

"Your mamas a bitch," I hiss back. Rawry shuts up and sits on my computer chair. He knows that i get defensive when it comes to Olivia and I have given him a bloody lip for it.

"Anyways, you gonna come early, bruh? Or a day before school starts?" I put the football down and pick up one of Heaven's toy.

"I don't know. I mean, it is three hours away from Granny and Heaven. What if Granny gets sick again or mom comes back?"

"I see you. You love them too much, but you gotta be free. I think college will teach you some things."

"What you mean?"

"Real talk, bro. You don't trust anybody. You only trust me, yo' granny ,and Heaven. You don't even like talking to females anymore. I mean, its OK to trust only a few, but to the point where you don't wanna be friends with anyone. That shit is weird."

"You just don't understand, Rawry. Man, you had a good life. You had your ma, you pops, brothers and sister."

"What about Tweet? I lost her."

"Yeah but-."

"Yeah but what? She died when she was playing outside, and gangs passed by shooting. My mom became depressed, dad lost his job, and I had to take care of my sisters and brothers. Don't think your the only one who has gone through hard times in life. Your life is easy compared to many others." He gets up and leaves, slamming my door on the way out.

Damn. I shouldn't have said anything.
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