Status: Working on it

College Lessons

Feel Love

"I mean I don't know. I'm kind of scared," Cassie says into the phone, her voice low and soft. She was obviously sleepy and it was 2:00 a.m. in the morning. I laugh quietly hoping not wake up the guys.

"Scared of what?"

"You know. What if something goes wrong. I don't think I'm ready." I sigh and put my hand on my head. She was making this more difficult that it was.

"It'll be alright. Promise."

"Promise?" She uses her baby voice and I laugh. This girl was goofy.

"Yes girl. Now go to bed."

"Night babe."

"Goodnight babe," I mumble hanging up.

"Y'all nasty bro! Talking about her getting the dick." Rawry screams into the darkness from his bed.

"Scared of whaaaaaaat?" Toni' mocks me in a high pitched voice. They burst out laughing and start banging their hands and feet on the beds.

"Oh shit! My nigga, I'm dying." Rawry and Toni' keep laughing for about three minutes straight. Each time I think they'll stop, they start again. They were dumb asses.

"Man! We wasn't talking about sex! I'm want to bring her home for Christmas." The guys stop laughing and a light turns on. I jump and throw a blanket at Toni' when I notice he has a boner. Rawry cringes and shakes his head. Toni' simply laughs and puts his hands in the air.

"Yo, my bad. I was dreaming about this girl I had and-."

"Sit cho ass down nasty nigga!" Rawry glares at Toni and shakes his head. "Mikey what you saying?"

"I'm saying I want her to meet Granny and Heaven. I mean, she is my girl."

"Naw...naw. You in love." Rawry's face wrinkles and he looks down at the floor.

"Yo, you in love Mike?" Toni looks at me and puts his hands behind his head. The rooms quiet as they're both waiting for my answer.

"I mean..yeah." I shrug and look at my phone showing a picture of me and Cassie kissing. That was our second month when we were chilling at some kickback.

"Let's take pictures," she said grabbing my phone.

"I hate taking pictures," I said laughing at how excited she was. In the end, I took about over 20 with her.

"Yooooo! My boy gone fell in love," Rawry says in a country accent. He take out his phone and a loud noise echoes from it.

"What you doing? Going gay?" I ask glaring at him.

"Gotta remember this moment. You know. Make a lil scrapbook for when you two get married and have the little Mickeys and Cassidys. And ya know lil Rawry Jr."

"Man I need me a big booty bitch," Toni' randomly mumbles.

"Gonna make sure Lil Rawry Jr. gonna be fresh like his uncle. And ya know his aunt gonna be a dope bitch with ass and titties," Rawry continues talking.

"Aye' she ain't even gotta have tits. Just a big booty and is fine. She could get it all day," Toni keeps talking.

Our alarm goes off and I groan. It was Saturday but we forgot to turn it off last night which was sad. Toni' continued on his big booty girl rant and Rawry somehow got on the subject of Beyonce being his baby mama.My boys were some fools is all I could think.

"Big booty bitches," Toni' mumbles from his side of the room and I throw a pillow at him. A few minutes later, his snores continue. Rawry doesn't move at all and I sigh looking at the time. 6:45.

'Good morning baby. :)' I smile at Cassie's message. She knew what time I got up at and would always send me one.

Good morning babe. Want to catch some breakfast?

Yeah that's good. I'll be ready in 20 minutes. I'll meet you in the cafeteria.

Alright baby.

And I gotta tell you something. But wait till I see you.