Status: Working on it

College Lessons


" You got all your bags, baby?" I count 10 bags and nod at her. It was two weeks before school started, but they were letting people come early. I was excited but a little sad about leaving Heaven and Granny.

"Yeah, granny. You can go to bed. It's early." It was 6:00 a.m. and I had to check in by 10:30, so Rawry and I were leaving early.

"Your my baby. I have to say my goodbye before you leave. Now, don't worry about Heaven. You said your goodbyes last night and explained it to her." She said this as I look toward Heaven's door. I would miss her and her cute dimples, plated hair, and soft brown skin.

"What if mom comes back? You promise you won't give her any money?" Granny frowns and runs her hands through her dreads.

"Child, I'll be OK. Your mama is my baby also, and I love her no matter what. And when you love somebody, you can't help but try to help them."

"Granny she uses that money on drugs. And that shit ain't helpin' her." She pops my mouth and glares at me.

"Watch that tongue. Now stop talking about your Momma. Rawry is out there so go. I love you baby. Call me when you get there. And call me every other night at least." She puts her hand on my cheek and blinks away a few tears. She was always afraid of the day I would leave home.

"Yeah, I will. I love you Granny. Be careful. Kiss Heaven again for me," I kiss her on her cheek and walk out the door to Rawry's small car filled with his suitcases to go back home. I throw mine in the back and wave at Granny before getting in the car.


"California Arts University! This place is fresh as fuck, bro. And Regmold University is right across the street. Those girls be cute too, but they half the time got dudes from Phi Betta. Niggas can't even stand when dudes look at they girls. Fuck that. The girls here cute anyway. Speaking of cute." Rawry rolls down his window, turns his music down,and smiles at two girls carrying bags. Ones cute, the other is ugly.

"Hey mama, whats up?" He flashes one of his big smiles and fixes his glasses a little. I roll my eyes from my seat and continue looking up info about freshman orientation in the pamphlet.

"I got a nigga," says the ugly girl. She rolls her neck and smiles. I cringe at her bright blue bracelet and her weave which looks like a bad Nicki Minaj one.

"Not you. Ol' ugly ass. You mama. You pretty cute," Rawry continues. I could already tell he messed up when he called the girl ugly. Her friend glares at him and gives him the middle finger, taking the ugly girls hand and pulling her away.

"Shouldn't have said-," I start.

"Man, the bitch shouldn't have gotten cocky," he starts driving again heading to our dorm area. Many kids are running around with bags and heavy furniture objects.

"Girls aren't bitches. That's rude," I mumble. Rawry laughs an obnoxious laugh and parks in a place.

"Get your ass out and lets go figure out where we are," he says. I get out and stretch. I'm a pretty tall guy. 6'4 and skinny but I have muscles. I'm pretty cute and different most girls tell me but most of them aren't interested in kids like me. The girls I meet like thugs or fake gangsters. I pull up my khaki cargo pants, take off my hat and brush my waves, and check to see if my jordans and my shirt was OK. I liked to look decent and clean. I noticed Rawry did the same thing. We had almost the same style, except he wore sperrys and cardigans sometimes.

"Lets go." We walk into the dorm hall and stare around for a few minutes. Girls are walking around in shorts and tanks tops fitting their bodies, and boys are carrying their heavy stuff in. And damn was Rawry right about the girls being different.

One girl passes by us wearing leggings that are paint splattered with jordans, her tattoos are showing and her hair is straight and long and red making her pale skin look interesting. Rawry smiles and walks toward her.

"Hannah Babat. The finest Jewish girl I ever met," Rawry says. She turns around from looking for something in her bag and smiles big.

"Rawr Rawr!" I snicker at the stupid nickname and watch as the girl throws her arms around his neck and hugs him.

" Thought you said you were comin' to club Raunchy a few weeks ago." He hugs her back and stares her up and down, taking in her appearance again.

"I had to go get my little sister a tattoo and me a new piercing. Check it, bro." She sticks her tongue out and shows tongue bar. Rawry smiles as she wiggles her tongue a little.

"What about your parents?"

"They'll be OK." She turns to me and smiles. "My parents hate being a rebel. They want me to marry a Jewish boy, but I rather people who aren't just to make them made. Also they like to be "perfect". Meaning no tattoos, piercings, and other dumb shit."

"I see," I say.

"Hannah Babat. Your with Rawry right?"

"Yeah. I'm Mikey Houston. Rawry is my main nigga I guess you could say." She smiles and turns to look at Rawry whose running back to us with a paper.

"Dorm 13E. Third floor. Where you at Hannah?"

"Dorm 9B. They got sexy boys up there. My friends are coming this year, so if you drop by my room, meet them.They're my roommates."

"Cool. As long as they sexy or fine bitches." She hits Rawry softly and laughs.

"They are and my girls aren't bitches. I'll see ya. Bye Mickey. Hope you enjoy college new meat." She picks her stuff off and walks to her dorm. Rawry grins while staring at her butt in her leggings.

"Damn, I wanted to go out with her so bad. But she always rejected me."

"Why did she call me new meat?"

"Because your a freshman. And you were shy. Most new meat are shy and insecure. If you would have flirted with her, you could pass off as a junior. Its OK. Get your stuff and lets head up."

When we arrive at our door, we open the door slowly. Both me and him are praying for a nice room and are shocked to see a third bed.

"What the fuck is this shit? Man, now we gotta 'nother dude? Man we ain't gay."

"Chill Rawry. Maybe he won't be here. His stuff ain't even here yet."

"Damn. We'll lets go check this place out, sign you up for freshman orientation and then tonight we can go to the Phi Betta Sigma party at Regmold. Bad bitches, weed, and alcohol."

"Already," I say laughing at him.
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