Status: Finished.



The sand feels cool between her toes and the light breeze blows her hair in all sorts of directions. The water is calm and it puts her mind at ease as she watches the sun set behind the ocean.

Standing alone at the beach, overlooking the water makes her feel free. Free from the problems she is facing, free from the people in her life. This is her getaway when she just wants to be free from the reality of her life.

She steps closer to the ocean, allowing the water to crash against her legs. Wiggling her toes in the water, she smiles to herself feeling as if the water is washing everything away and giving her a clean slate.

“I thought I’d find you here,” she hears his voice call out from behind her, instantly making her regret sharing with him where she likes to go to clear her head. Her eyes close and she remains silent in hopes the he would take her silence as a hint and he’d leave. However, she can feel his presence getting closer and he finally says, “You’ve been ignoring my calls.”

“I’ve been busy,” she answers, her eyes still closed as she takes a deep breath to relax herself.

“And what about my texts? I’m sure you could have taken a minute to answer one.”

“Deleted them,” she replies nonchalantly.

Finally feeling at peace with herself, her eyes flutter open when she realizes what needs to be done to truly free herself from her problems.

She can hear him groan in frustration which causes her to smirk and he says, “Look, there’s something that I need to tell you. I really mi-”

“You really what? Miss me? Love me?” she interjects, spinning around to look at him, “Save it, okay? You can say that all you want but I know that there’s no truth behind those words. You come to me with those lies when your relationship is crumbling and you’re feeling lonely.”

He is at a loss for words because he knows that she is right. There was a point in time where she loved him so much that she would’ve done anything to be with him and because of that, he tries to use it to his advantage. He expects her to be the weak girl that she once was but she isn’t that girl anymore. She knows better than to fall for his mind games.

“Th-that’s not true,” he stutters as he attempts to lie, hoping that she will believe him, “I really do love you and I’m sorry for messing everything up. I just want to work things out.”

“How stupid do you think I am?” she asks while shaking her head and chuckling lightly. “Don’t call or text me anymore. Just don’t talk to me... ever again. Okay?”

He simply nods his head, completely stunned by her request. She smiles softly then walks past him and leaves the beach since it has served its purpose to her for the day.

She is finally free.
♠ ♠ ♠
Something that I wrote up fairly quickly that happens to be loosely based off of something that I seem to have to deal with time and time again. Not quite sure how I feel about this though.-shrugs-

Comment with your thoughts. I appreciate feedback.