Concordi Discordia


Red sky at night, shepherd’s delight.
Red sky in the morning, shepherd’s warning.

She recounts the memories of primary school superstitions as her eyes wander over the legion of brick buildings, each standing as uniformly as next. Then, she notices the faint flickers of sunlight glinting in the windows before she turns to confront the last of that day's sun herself. The shadows cast in the sky remind her of a drop of blood as it diffuses slowly into water before spreading, infecting each and every last particle it can. The celestial carnival; a mix of flame-reds and oranges and yellows, combined with the humility of the cherry-blossom pink and the remnants of the day’s earlier Alice-blue.

Red sky at night. That means it’s not going to rain tomorrow.

And with the comfort of this thought, she continues walking on, humming the echoes of old, forgotten tunes as she goes.


And someone is running.

She hears footsteps, pounding hard against the pavement, and a harsh, dry breath rip from the back of their throat.

There’s a voice now, the owner concealed by the night.

“What do you want? Who are you?”

His question is left hanging in the heavy air. Then the sounds of shuffling and panic.

And somewhere, in the dark abyss, a man screams.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, here we go!

The first transcript will be posted soon.