Concordi Discordia

Arielle Goldsmith


Interaction between
PC Mark Williams (MW) and
Arielle Goldsmith (AG)
27th June 2007

Ms. Adinall, I’ve ju –
AG: Wait, who’s Ms. Adinall?
MW: Are you not Ms. Elysia Adinall?
AG: No, my name’s Arielle Goldsmith.
MW: I’ll be looking into this later. However, in the meantime, Ms. Goldsmith, I would like to ask you again where you were on the night of Saturday the twenty-third of June?
AG: At the hospital.
MW: Which hospital?
AG: Royal Berks.
MW: And why were you in hospital?
AG: I work there.
MW: Which department?
AG: Maternity.
MW: Who can confirm this for you?
AG: My boss, Gill. Valentine.
[There is the sound of paper being shuffled]
AG: What are you writing?
MW: No need to worry, Ms. Goldsmith, just your boss’ name.
[There is the sound of a pen being put down on the table, then being pushed onto the floor]
MW: [inaudible] Oops, damn it.
AG: Can I get that for you? Here, let me –
MW: No, no, don’t worry. Ms. Goldsmith, being a nurse, would you understand what I mean if I said that someone had a circumorbital haematoma, haematomas on their arms, legs, stomach and groin area, had multiple lesions covering their body and was experiencing RTS?
AG: It sounds like that person was pretty beat up.
MW: Yes. Yes, they were.
AG: Did this...did this really happen?
MW: Ms. Goldsmith, do you have any idea why you’re here?
AG: No. I was hoping that you’d tell me.
MW: Ms. Goldsmith, you have been charged with raping and causing actual bodily harm to Mr. James Harper.
AG: Wait. No. No, this...this isn’t true. No, I didn’t do it!
MW: I’m sorry, Ms. Goldsmith, but please bear in mind that you are innocent until proven guilty, and that if you haven’t done it, you have nothing to worry about. We currently have samples of DNA found on Mr. Harper’s clothing and body being forensically analyzed, and these interviews are to establish your side of the story and whether you had any involvement. Please trust us that if you truly have done nothing, this will not be held against you in any way and you will be free to go as soon as possible.
AG: But I’m a nurse. I care for people! I wouldn’t do that to anybody! How can you accuse me...?
[There is the sound of a tissue being taken from a box]
MW: Here, take this, Ms. Goldsmith. So far no one’s accused you formally of anything. We’re merely trying to establish the facts. Calm down, now. I’m not going to ask you anything else at the moment.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, here's the second transcript. I hope you like so far :)

Maybe you're starting to get clues as to whether she did it or not...

I hope to update on a weekly basis.