My Life as Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll

Yeah right.

It wasn't til I was around 15 when I started gettting heavly into drugs. At this time I was doing cocaine and pot. Pot got me chill, cocaine had me hyped up. It was a good combination of the too. It wasn't long till my whole life and time was controlled by the two.

So our story begins.

"Kat, I have to stay out late tonight.. I..I got this job thing I have too do.. So don't wait up for me."
My mom spoke slobbishly, I knew she had to be drunk. I just smiled at her and grabbed an apple and left. I wasn't going to school, I never did. Education right now, was not important. I walked down the road, hiding from ever annoying cop that drove by and smoked cig's. It's what I did everyday all day.

Fuck.. Cabe was here. A while back he had tried to take advantage of me, but I didn't let it happen. Ever since then we hadn't spoke. I didn't want to see him, and I knew he didn't want to see me. But, what can a fucked up 15 year old girl do?