Status: Making Nightmares! ^^

7 Nightmares

First Nightmare

(Part Seven)

I’m having another nightmare. Vampires, hunters, blood and death. I can’t wake up… My eyes are heavy. I’m death exhausted for what happen last night… Last night! My breading was instable, my whole body cover in cold sweet and…

-Finally you are awake my dear…- I saw Viktor sitting besides me.

-Am I dreaming again?- I ask.

-No. This is real.- He answer caressing my cheek.

-Where am I?- The room seem familiar, is the one of my dreams…

-In our house.

-Our house?


-Where’s my brother?- I ask looking around.

-In his house but he doesn’t remember you.- Viktor say coldly.


-Because I erased his memory and everybody else.


-Not just likely… I killed that inept hunter Steven for what he did to my beloved.

-NO! I want to see my family!

-That can’t be done. I’m your only family now Natalie.

-Why are you doing this to me?- I ask holding my tears but it was impossible.

-I have waited for your birth an eternity. I should have just taken you instead of trying to form part of your life and make you fall in love with me. He even got you pregnant!

-What?!- I looked to my belly and it was really big! –Did I…

-You have been sleeping all this month’s… I was thinking you would never come back. I bet you don’t remember but you were badly hurt in a car accident trying to save your little brother’s life from Steven. You were badly hurt and I started giving you my blood hopping you would recover and here you are sound and safe but expecting a baby that I’m responsible for being alive because I feed you with my blood and save them…


-They are twins. A boy and a girl but don’t worry I’m going to get rid of them as soon as they are born.

-You what?! Don’t I even have a say on this?!

-No! Because they weren’t meant to be born! I should have waited and let them die and then save you!

-Don’t you have a heart?

-What do you expect? I’m a vampire after all.

-Get out!

-As you wish. I’m just going to make it clear, you can never escape Natalie, NEVER!- Viktor left the room slamming the door hard.

This is too mucho for me… Pregnant at 16 my family and friends don’t remember me and I don’t have anywhere to go… Vampires don’t exist, I’m not pregnant, Steven is alive and everyone remembers me. This must be a nightmare, an ugly one… I just hope someday I’m going to wake up and everything would be all right…


♠ ♠ ♠
Well end of the First Nightmare! I hope you liked it =) It wasn't suppose to end like that but I just wanted to finish it and go into the Second Nightmare!
COMMENT pleaseeee! I want to know what you think!
In the characters I have the profile of Frankie the protagonist of the Second Nightmare!