Fluff in an Old Music Room

Disrupting Social Order

Charlie had been at the gala for about an hour and a half, mingling with other party-goers (who weren't only girls, strange as it may seem. These galas seemed like just an excuse fro everyone to flirt, which Charlie was completely ok with) and getting introduced to various members of the Host-Club.

The Hitachiins had picked out a dress from their mothers stock that was a bit ridiculous for her taste, in the sense that it was just too girly for her. Charlie may have been a fan of Lolita fashion, but never really the pink stuff. She more liked the 'Alice in Wonderland gone Goth' sort of thing. But hey, she didn't want to search through the enormous closet in her house-room to find anything. Charlie was entirely too lazy for that.

The dress she ended up wearing was long and made of sleek, form-fitting fabric. It was completely baby blue, with a halter top and low cut in the back. A pearl chocker adorned her neck and her hair was up in a messy, fire-red bun. Her make-up made her green eyes and long eyelashes pop, which caught the attention of many a male.

The music started to play a waltz and a spot light lit up on each of the host club members. When the Host Club moved to find a dancing partner in the mass of girls in front of them, the spot light would follow them. Charlie laughed out loud every time someone would swoon for them, and then not get picked. ^.^ However, when the spotlight out of the corner of her eye came closer and closer to her, she cringed. She was a fine dancer, but she wasn't one for fake people, which most of the Host Club were at the moment. When Charlie turned, it was Tamaki, the Prince, who held out his hand for her.

"My lady? You look lovely tonight. I would be greatly honored if you would dance with me." He said, bowing deeply, yet never leaving her eyes.

Charlie smiled. Charming as he was, and against Charlie's better judgement, she accepted. "Why yes, of course." There were gasps of outrage and sighs of disappointment from around her. Charlie couldn't help but smile.

Someone clapped (as they seem to do in these things) and the music started. Tamaki no less than swept her off her feet into a swirling swish of fabric and ridiculously graceful waltz.

"How are you tonight, Princess?" Tamaki asked, leaning entirely too close to her face.

"I'm fine, Tamaki. You?"

Tamaki chuckled rather charmingly. "Perfect, when I'm with you, dear Charlotte. The twins have told me all about you."

Charlie smiled, unaware of the small, girlish brush that crept into her cheeks. "All about me, hm? Im flattered."

"Yes well, it isn't every day a beautiful exchange student rolls into our halls."

Someone tapped Charlie on the shoulder and she turned around. It was Kaoru. Charlie laughed. "Speak of the devil."

"I'd hardly compare me to a devil." he replied, smiling and holding out his hand. Tamaki let go of her shoulder (Charlie didn't notice his hand was there before...hm...).

"Go on, my lady." he said and kissed her hand before going and finding another dance partner.

A new waltz began and Kaoru gently grabbed Charlie's hand. "Dance with me." It wasn't a question, but it wasn't a command either. It was more of an I-dare-you-to-refuse-me kind of thing. So they danced, as people do when music starts. All the Hosts ha partners, and they would sweep by eachother every so often, but other than that, no one was on the dance floor.

"You seem preoccupied." said Kaoru. "Is something wrong?"

Charlie shook her head an smiled at him. "There aren't many people dancing."

Speak of the devil and the devil shall appear. Kyouya, who was dancing next to Kaoru and Charlie, stopped in his tracks, a silly grin spreading through his usually cool and collected features. He immediately moved away from his dancing partner and embraced a girl from the crowd. Charlie let go of Kaoru's shoulder and led him towards the now partner-less girl.

"I'm going to go get a drink. In the meanwhile, someone needs a dance partner." The girl smiled at Charlie, looked longingly over to Kyouya one last time and accepted Kaoru's hand. Charlie may not like that all the charm and sweetness was an act, but she did like that they put the girls before themselves. It was chivalry at its best, which Charlie could never resist.

The only problem with this was that they ALL acted like that. All of them, however different, were supposed to be the Knight in Shining Armor. So, in a sense, the entirety of the Host Club was toying with girls' emotions, which just wasn't very nice, in principal.

"Hello?" someone asked and Charlie turned around. It was Haruhi, spiffily cross-dressing as usual.

"You make a convincing boy, Haruhi."

Haruhi smiled. "Thanks Charlie. Want to walk with me?"

Charlie smiled and put on her best 'I'm flattered, monsieur, I'd love to walk with you' face and they exited through one of the open double doors. The cherry trees were in full bloom, little pink flowers floating on the wind and decorating the ground. Not to mention it smelled delicious.

"Now I want a cherry..." Charlie mumbled, stopping and looking up at one of the trees. Stupid dresses, they prohibit the climbing of trees. Though she was still tempted....

"Charlie, what are you doing?" Haruhi asked.

"Don't ask questions, Haruhi, you'll get through life faster." Charlie replied and smiled at the adorable cross-dresser. Charlie was now in the tree, sitting on one of the sturdier branches and swinging her feet below her. She couldn't help it. Social order just wasn't her thing.

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Yup, I updated. You heard me.