Status: done.

It's The Thrill.

An entry for the 5 Songs From Your 5 Favorite Bands contest and THIS.

Song: Let The Games Begin - Anarbor.

Word count = 879.

It's a game, she's to blame
But who's keeping score?
I'm not in it to win.
You can tell by my grin,
That I've done this before.

Sierra and Slade have a certain relationship. If you can call it that. Sierra's been through God knows how many boyfriends and there's one person who she always goes back to: Slade. Of course, Slade's not in it to get Sierra to fall for him. He's in it for the thrill that goes along with it.

The light blue cashmere fell to the floor along with my jaw and I once again found myself giving in to her games. As the clothes hit the floor, I smirked to myself. Who am I kidding, I could never say no.