A Million tries

beeping heart

i heard the sound of metal crashing onto metal
the feeling of the car moving forward
my foot was still on the gas
i didn't know what was happening
but something was wrong
before i could figure out what happened
i hit a wall
my head went forward
and hit the wheel
the glass hit my face
and my brain hit my skull
and moved back
hitting my skull again and again
back and froth
the feeling was unbearable
the air bag hit my face
i rested my head on it
i wonted to stay awake
but my eyes betrayed me
my eyes started to close
and the blood ran down my face
then i couldn't see anything
feel anything
i couldn't even move
i was just in a void
empty all around
am i dead
i tried to move
my body was to heavy
lead waits around
every part of my body
but i know there was talking
a quite chatter
voices i don't know
a siren going off
and the sound of a car moving
I'm in an ambulance
good thing I'm not dead
or at least i dint think so
there are no bright lights
no tunnel
no angels coming to pick me up
I'm in a coma
i get that much
I'm rebooting
my body is not ready
i think that's the case
so now its time to wait
and wait i did
till i heard no siren
just footsteps
and the wheels of a cart
moving over the ground
I'm on the cart
i wonder how i look
maybe asleep
a little later
a beep was heard
steady and calm
sounding like a heart
maybe its my heart
so I'm alive
i waited a bit longer
and noticed the door opening
someone left
and someone came back
with another with them
they both were quite
to silent
but the door opened once again
and one set of feet left the room
another set went closer to the bed
and a voice said clearly
"just don't die"
i just let the words sink in
then he left
two more people came in
one was mom
crying her eyes out
dad was silent
i guess in shock
i let my thoughts get the best of me
and let the noises fade
into the blackness
and let my scene of hearing shut down
cause i wanted to sleep
can you do me a favor
and bring my iPod the next time you come
and i just heard the beeping heart
still steady
still alive
and its mine
and i let the rhythm
simple as it is
but so important
put me to sleep