A Million tries

the clime

so many seconds
so many minutes
to many hours
have past since i began
everything was black
but the steps to the top
the once behind me were gone
to dark
to fare down
i couldn't make out a thing
in the blackness below
i decided
to take a seat
but noticed something
a smell
of rotten flesh
old skin
and blood
something shown threw the dark
red glints were the only things
but those were something bad
very bad
i got up
and ran up
on all fours
like a dog
i looked back for a sec
and saw the horror of the monster
it was
i don't even know
maybe a bunch of things put together
face of a dog
but arms like a person
feet of a lizard
and the body of a turtle
bleeding at the seems
were sealed
by hair
sewn in
that disturbed me
but it moved slow
like it was weak
i wasn't surprised
the pieces were different
but if it got to me
i don't know what i would do
or feel
i shuddered at the thought and ran up
and up
and let the darkness swallow it hole
i donut know if it was there for a reason
or if it had another form
but for now i run
because i cant take the smell anymore
maybe it was someone i knew
i thought about it
who had a dog
who liked turtles
who liked lizards
that was in my life
and who the heck had blond hair
or at least a light brown
i thought and thought
but nothing came
i could sense
following me
every ten steps i take
it takes two
or more
or less
but i got tired
or maybe spiritually tired
from all the thinking
well it didn't matter now
i had to make it out
and live
i had to make the clime
no mater how tired i get
♠ ♠ ♠
remember the creature its important!