Status: Active

Don't You Wanna Stay?

Don't you wanna stay?

"I'm bringing Heather over tonight." Those five words made my heart fall. See, "Heather" was some girl Brendon picked up at a bar. She looks like Snooki except taller and really pale. Like she's whiter than me, that's a shame.. Even though I love him dearly, Brendon always goes for lets say, easier girls. He treats them with the utmost respect, while they stomp all over him. Its sickening really. To hear them whine "Oh Brenny buy me stuff" they're all golddiggers, every last one of them.

Heather doesn't really like me at all. She swore to Brendon "She's like in love with you." right in front of me. He, of course, just looked at me, smiled, and walked away. It's really awful when they suck face right in front of me. They did one time and I had to pretend like I had a call and run out of the room because I was on the verge of tears.

Lets just say I love my life...
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<3 Idk what to write! I suck!