Status: Complete!

If Not For You I Know I'd Tear This Place To The Ground.

Eighteen: Don't trust me.

To say Savannah was surprised to see an e-mail from All Time Low when she got home that night was an understatement. To say that she was shocked when she read it was also an understatement. She was more like flabbergasted, confused, and tangled up, crushed, furious, and vengeful all at once.

“Those assholes! Why did they think they could just send that to me like that? Alex and I reached an agreement that night. Sort of. I didn’t know he’d written a SONG about me! I’m going to get back at him, I swear. I will destroy his career, I will destroy him, I will … ah fuck I won’t do anything, I know I won’t.”

Her door opened and Patrick walked in. “Having a conversation with yourself is almost certain to lead to schizophrenia, you know.”

She shook her head at him. They’d been getting along pretty good since he’d started dating Bekka and she’d actually begun to think that maybe they could put everything behind them and have a normal sibling relationship.

“I was ranting at the wall, thank you.”

Patrick rolled his eyes. “Sureee. And what does the wall have to say about your problems?”

“The wall says that guys are assholes and I should turn lesbian so that they can fuck themselves, because I won’t be fucking them.”

Patrick pretended to be shocked with her. “Your language, little girl!” He threw a pillow at her and then mock screamed and ran around the room when she grabbed a glass of water and came after him.

They both ended up on the floor panting with the water long abandoned. Savannah was leaning against Patrick’s arm, exhausted.

“Do you want to tell me why you’ve suddenly started hating on the most wonderful members of the human species?”

Savannah wasn’t sure she wanted to get into this with Patrick. It might give them reason to not get along again and the last thing she needed was another enemy.

“Bah, it’s just, remember those bands guys from a few months ago? Well, they decided to be big shots and write a song about me. They’re going to use my patheticness as a way to promote their fame. They disgust me.”

“They disgust, you, huh. Well, at least you won’t go crawling back to them if they disgust you. You can do better, you know.”

Savannah started to say something, but then looked at the clock and shot up off the ground. “Holy shit I’m going to be late for work, fuck, and fuck and fuck.” She started racing around the room looking for her uniform and punch card and various other things that were scattered around the room. She’d started letting her room get messy cause she was barely ever there and it was times like this that she regretted it.

She was in such a hurry to leave that she didn’t realize she’d never closed the page that was open with the e-mail from the guys. Patrick waited a reasonable amount of time and then went over and started reading the song. It was good. It was really good, even thought he wasn’t a fan of the band.

He turned on Savannah’s printer and printed out a few copies of the song. He knew what to do with them. Savannah never should have trusted him. He wasn’t planning on doing anything to her, because he had in fact grown to like her. However, he didn’t like these guys that had (and obviously still were) mooning after her. Savannah wasn’t a stupid person but this song was so obviously not about hating her, but about still being in love with her and wanting things to go back the way they were before, wanting to salvage what they still had. And it wasn’t going to happen, not while Patrick was watching.

Pulling out his phone, he clicked a number that he’d had on speed dial for quite some time. It only rang once before the familiar voice answered with a “This better be good, I’m with a chick.”

“Trust me; this is something worth leaving a chick for. I need you to get over here … I think I found a way to finally destroy All Time Low.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Short chapter. Important chapter. CLIFF HANGER? I think so. The plot thickens! :D
Any guesses to who's on the phone? Any predicitions? I have FIFTY SUBSCRIBERS and no one tells me anything except for like, the same 3 people. it's making me sad. PLEASE COMMENT D: