Status: Complete!

If Not For You I Know I'd Tear This Place To The Ground.

Nine: And all my friends don't give a ***.

"We didn't have sex, Savannah, I swear to god we didn't". Riley was following Savannah around her room as she paced back and forth, shaking her head and trying uselessly to remember what happened after leaving the club. The only thing she could remember was calling Alex.

"Then why were you in my bed?"

Riley stepped in front of her, forcing her to stop pacing and stand there. She didn't look at him, though. She couldn't.

"Savannah, look at me."

Savannah kept looking at the ground, ignoring the soft plea in Riley's voice. She couldn't stand to look into his eyes as he broke her heart by giving her the reason she needed to confirm her self-hatred.

A hand gripped her cheek firmly and forced her to look up. Riley's eyes were soft and sympathetic, and she couldn't stand it.

"Don't touch me!" she screamed and pulled herself away. She wrapped her arms around herself and rocked back and forth. This time, an arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her towards the couch. She didn't have the energy to fight it off this time.

Savannah sat down and Riley sat beside her and wordlessly handed her a blanket. She took it and wrapped herself in it. The chills gradually stopped and she was able to breath normally. The anxiety she'd be fighting all morning was wanning and she felt calmer. She turned her head slightly so she could see Riley. He noticed her looking at him and put out a hand.

Shaking slightly, she placed her hand on his. He linked their fingers and turned their hands so that his was resting on top of hers. She could feel his heartbeat and knew that he was nervous, too. The heat pulsed betweeen them for a few minutes before he started to speak.

"Last night, you got drunk. I mean, really drunk. You disappeared for a while and then came back really, really upset and grabbed my drink and downed it. It was straight JD. You got a little crazy after that. The guys and I split up because I didn't want them to be around if you did something you would regret .. they're not always the nicest when they've been drinking and they might have taken advantage of you."

Savannah felt bad that she had thought that he would do something like that. She could see that she'd hurt him and she felt bad. She shifted closer and wrapped an arm around him.

"I brought you home and you were shaking and could barely walk and I was scared to leave you alone. I went to the bathroom and came out and you were passed out in your bed. I decided sleeping there was the best option because I would know if you got up or fell or had a bad reaction or something."

"I'm sorry." Savannah whispered.

Riley looked at her. "Who are you really apologizing to, me or yourself? I can understand you doubting me, but how could you think that of yourself? I don't even know you and I would never say you're the type to sleep around."

Savannah couldn't meet his eyes. Hers were too busy filling with tears.

Riley sensed her sorrow. "Savannah?" he whispered.

"The only person I ever had sex with was Alex."

She was met with silence, and somehow felt she should explain.

"It was a one time thing ... I did it because I was scared that my first time was going to end up being with my stepbrother, who wants in my pants and won't stop at anything. I didn't want my first time to be rape. I don't want to be raped at all, but at least, I have one good memory. Because I highly doubt I'll ever have sex again if he rapes me."

The expression on Riley's face told her she'd shocked him to the core.

"I'm so sorry, Savannah. Now I understand why you might have thought that I took advantage of you. I'm surprised you even talk to me. I acted like a controlling, using ass, and you don't need any of that."

"No, but I need a friend."

Riley gave her a questioning look, and she found herself explaining everything. What had happened with Alex, what had gone on with her so-called friends, all the family details that she'd barely told anyone. When she was done, an hour had passed and she was curled up in his arms. She felt more at peace than she had in a long time. It seemed like what she had really needed more than anything was a chance to talk to someone about what been bothering her.

"I'm here whenever you need me, Savannah." Riley promised her and kissed her cheek. "Is there anything I can do right now?"

Savannah didn't have to think twice. "Just be my friend. Hold me. That's all I need."

And it seemed like it was, because for the first time since Alex, Savannah trusted someone.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm so sorry for neglecting this this week. I am going to try my best and update more. I've just been so tired.
But hey, Riley's adorable, right? ;) Who wishes she'd get with him and not Alex? NOT ME. ALEX FOR LIFE.
Anyone who has twitter should follow me. @KailaKatakana :D