I Wonder What It's Like to Be Loved by You


School just finished and the only thing I thought about was, "This summer will be the one." That's all I wanted. The summer between senior year of high school and freshman year of college to be epic. Summer loves, amazing friends, memories to supply a lifetime, anything. My life wasn't bad, don't get me wrong, I just wanted to live for once. Live recklessly, you know?

I was packing to go on a road trip when my mom came in making sure I was packing everything I needed. I was leaving in the morning when Samantha came to pick me up. She was bringing her awesome hippie aunt's van. We were going to go to the beach then to a few concerts. We were going to be gone until early July.


I woke up and got ready for when Sam came. As I walked out the door when Sam pulled up my mom started yelling.

"Meghan! Be safe! Don't do anything too crazy."

"Bye, mom," I walked out the door.

Sam opened the back van door and I slid my suitcase in.

"You ready for summer?!"

"Oh yeah. It's going to be awesome."

She backed out of my driveway and we started out to the beach. It was a good five hour drive but it's all about the journey, right? We blasted music with the windows down and acted crazy. I took my dad's old film camera and started taking pictures like mad.

Somehow after the first two hour and a mean mixed CD with bands from Rocky Loves Emily to Allstar Weekend to AC/DC to Bruno Mars, I was in my cut off jean shorts and my plaid shirt. My shirt was unbuttoned and my bikini top was showing. We looked like your typical crazy teens but it felt great. All our fears and worries melted away with every mile. We were singing louder to every song.

The van was awesome though. In the back there was a sag carpet and Christmas lights strung up. They were somehow connected to the engine to keep them lit up. Sam's aunt kept a huge box of replacement lights in a jar back there too. Around the rearview mirror there was a dream catcher. People were going to think we were total pot heads but it didn't matter, we were having fun. And this was going to be my summer no matter what. Nothing could stop that. Nothing.