What Did You Expect?

What Did You Expect?

I shook my head. "No."
His brown eyes were warm when they met mine, his hand pausing on the door knob. "You don't have to go in if you don't want."
Starting to feel annoyed, I grabbed the door knob from him and pushed the door open. I walked ahead of him and stopped in the middle of what I assumed was the living room.
Books were stacked everywhere. On the couch, coffee table, entertainment center...everywhere. I glanced down at a pile of Anne Rice and Charles de Lint by my boot and thought to myself, At least we have similar book tastes. Shaking my head, I wanted to smack myself. What in the hell did similar book tastes have to do with any of this?
He closed the door softly and came up behind me. I felt his hands on my middle and he kissed my neck. "How about something to help us both relax just a little?"
I nodded and he wandered off down the hall. I sat down heavily on the part of the couch not covered in books and sighed deeply. I completely had lied to him. I was beyond nervous. My hands had even begun to shake a little.
A door shut and he was back, very obviously lighting a blunt. He inhaled deeply, passed it to me, and then started clearing a space next to me for him to sit.
I inhaled even deeper than he had and I held it in until my chest began to burn which, of course, ended with me about hacking up half a lung.
Kyle reclaimed the blunt and took another hit, watching me close.
After a moment I was finally able to breathe again and I giggled, my head already feeling blissfully light. There was no way I was going to be able to do this sober so I needed all I could get.
He passed it back to me and rested his hand on my knee. I could feel the warmth of his hand through my stockings and something inside me uncurled. I took a monster hit and commenced coughing again.
He scooted a little closer and I held the blunt to his lips so he could hit it. He took a long drag and pulled his head back.
We passed it back and forth til it was mostly paper and ash. Kyle dropped it in the ashtray on the coffee table and dropped his head to my shoulder.
I felt his lips begin to move upwards til he tugged gently on my lip ring with his teeth. He kissed me softly, his hand moving from knee to my face. Ignoring the guilty feeling sitting heavily in the bottom of my chest, I kissed him back and pulled him closer by his shirt.
As soon as my teeth grazed his lip, he pulled back, his eyes flashing. The air in the room quickly became charged and he got to his feet and yanked me up beside him.
He took of towards one of the room down and the hall and flung the door open. He spun back around to me and kissed me again, crushing me against the wall. His lips moved from mine to my neck again, biting down hard.
I gasped and he only sank his teeth in deeper.
Digging my nails into his shoulders, I tried to push him back. He responded by seizing my wrists and pulling me into the bedroom. He shoved me down on the bed and began kissing me roughly again.
I tried to turn my head and he pulled back only to grasp my face in one of his large hands, forcing me to look at him.
"Your 'yes' was when you walked through that door," He growled. "You're going to submit. Or I will make you."
I could tell him no all I wanted. I could bite back, kick, scream, claw him, anything to get away but while my actions could lie, my body couldn't.
I wanted him.
He let me go and took a step back. His pants fell in a heap of black denim and chains and his shirt followed suit.
Panting, I sat up on my elbows and scooted back a little from him. I was going to get hurt. I was going to be bloody and bruised. My throat was going to be raw from protesting and screaming.
He glared at me and began yanking my boots off. They bounced off the wall and went in opposite directions. There was a ripping sound as he tore off my stockings and threw them in the corner. My skirt was next and my thin tank top didn't stand a chance.
My heart began to pound faster as he stood in front of me, looking down at me in just my undergarments. I resisted the urge to cover myself and tried to sit up a little.
Of course it was all in vain. He shoved me down and covered me with all six foot, seven inches of himself. His skin was wonderfully hot and I drew him closer and tried to kiss him.
He reached down and my underwear was no more.
His eyes met mine and he grinned wickedly.
This was going to be a long night.

I woke up sometime later and eased gently out from under his arm. I tip toed around in the dark, picking up pieces of my shredded clothing.
Finding the bathroom wasn't too difficult. I flicked on the light and shut the door. I didn't look up til I was right at the mirror.
My hair was a tangled mess, my make up smeared. Bruises started at my neck and ended at my ankles. My neck, chest, stomach, hands, and thighs were smeared with dried blood and I was unbelievably stiff and sore.
I looked like I'd had the holy hell beat out of me but I smiled at my reflection.
What else could you expect after sex with a vampire?