Status: Complete

Dot Syndrome

Dot Syndrome

Wally looked over to Superboy. "Dude. You've been staring at me for the past hour." Unsurprisingly, the staring didn't cease. Wally felt a blush rise on his cheeks and not for the first time in the last hour. Did he have something on his face?

"You're, uh, making me uncomfortable. Can you, like, stop?" Superboy's eyes squinted slightly and he cocked his head. Wally was reminded of a puppy that didn't know what its owner was telling it.
"Why do you have so many dots on your face?"


"Yeah. Megan has them too."

"You mean freckles? A lot of people have them."

"No. You and Megan are the only people I've seen who have so many large dots."

"Well you haven't actually met that many people have you?"

Superboy scowled, and Wally felt the smug feeling of victory settle over him. "I have only met about twenty people so far. Considering that you and Megan are the only ones out of those people who have such visible dots I assumed you two had some sort of skin problem associated with your orange hair."

Wally flushed. First kids start laughing at his red hair (Wally so had a soul) and freckles, and now Superboy is making fun of them too?

"Well I'll have you know that some people purposefully dye their hair red and wish that they had such an awesome hair color."

"Why would anybody want Dot Syndrome?" Wally face palmed.

"You know what? Just watch the TV."

It was until he saw The Flash without his mask that Superboy studied somebody else so closely ever again.