Status: Completed but may undergo some editing.


In the Arms of the Angel

The only people who would mourn her wouldn't hear about it for a long time.

She remembered the car coming at her. The blinding light of the headlights, the panicked look in the man's eyes as his honking truck plowed into her little compact car. The metal crumpled like tissue paper around her and the glass of her window flew around her.

The shattered glass caught the light and looked oddly beautiful she thought before she closed her eyes. Perhaps it was odd because they were on a dark back road and there should've been no light. But then, what did it matter now?

She felt hot blood, her life blood, flooding around her and tried to concentrate on that instead of the pain. But the pain was almost all encompassing and she went under again.

Suddenly it was that day, that day she destroyed everything around her. The look in her parents' eyes, so disappointed and hurt.
The way he had clutched at her hand in an attempt to keep her from leaving, but she couldn't stay. She couldn't. She wanted to, at that point and ever after he had been her only sunshine. The one point of life and love around her.
But she was dragging him down. With her he could never have been happy. He was better off without her. Better off with his successful father and the trophy wife. He would have so many more opportunities and they would love him.

Not as much as her, but they would love him from their hearts so it was okay.

She remembered his goodness and her fierce pride in him.

She felt hot liquid course down her face and thought, Oh a head wound, it wouldn't be long now. But when she opened her eyes she saw it was just tears and they doubled as she realized she would be there longer. It's already been so long, she was so tired. Exhausted. She just wanted...she just...

She had never felt it before, and yet the safety of his embrace and the warmth from his arms was as familiar as the ache in her bones.
Her body slowly relaxed and the fight went out of her. She let go of her life, finally, and felt no loss.

Sweet relief flowed through her and her eyes stung and she knew she was crying again. Her eyes opened and through the stinging light she saw an angel.

Slowly, she registered what she was seeing. No chubby little cherub, this one. He was enormous and she felt so small in his arms. Small like a child wrapped in the arms of safety. Broad shoulders, thick everything from his neck to the thighs she sat on completely ensconced. His hair was a pale white and she had the brief impression of a Norse viking. His eyes were dark and they showed so much warmth, so much love and compassion and sweet sadness that she wanted to pat his head like she had her son and tell him there was no need to look like that. Not now.
His features were rugged, not like the paintings had portrayed angels at all. But despite his rugged features and his immense size he looked graceful and well proportioned, like a clay figure formed by a master sculptors hand.

She reached up and patted his head, managing a watery but sincere smile before her strength left her. Her body loosened completely and she lay limp in his arms.
In the arms of the angel.
♠ ♠ ♠
I heard this song playing and I just had to write. I didn't think it would be this; I had a brief idea of her living and getting her second chance but my fingers typed this and I think it suits. Maybe I'll go back and change it someday.