Status: Alive

Come Fly With Me

Chapter 1

“God damnit Elara! I need my jeans now. I don’t have time to wait for you to finish doing my laundry. I gotta go. When are you gonna stop whoring around?! Do you think anyone will want you now that you got yourself knocked up? Only some guy looking to get off on some fantasy is gonna want to have anything to do with you. You better have all your chores done when I get back. And don’t give me that bull shit story about being tired. This is all your fault.” And cue door slam. Another night for Joe on the town.

He’s right. It is my fault. Dads are always right, right? I was the one asking to get pregnant. I guess a pushy boyfriend that doesn’t worry about how it is for you and is only there to sate his needs and spend your money, a boyfriend that cuts out the second he finds out your pregnant, isn’t really responsible for anything.

I thought I had something going for me. Yeah, his family was well off, but I wasn’t out for his money. That was another topic that I was accused of often, especially after I found out about the baby. But, I couldn’t take it anymore. Four months along and I was already showing. It wasn’t safe to be around Joe when he came back from whatever strip club or bar he was going to. I couldn’t worry about how I was going to hide the bruises anymore, what happen if he went after my stomach? I had to get out.

When I was sure he was out of the garage, I grabbed my ratty coat and the last letter I got from my mom, and I headed out. She left when I was 12 because she couldn’t take the beating anymore, but didn’t take me with; she didn’t think he would turn on me and blame me for her leaving. I couldn’t believe I got the letter past him. Any mail that came for me, which wasn’t much, he opened and read first before I even got to see who it was from. I guess he was too drunk to care that I was the one that got the mail that day instead of him.

Not that I cared if anything from his house was stolen, I still twisted the lock on the knob as I headed out the door and headed down the sidewalk toward town without so much as a backwards glance. I didn’t have much money because he took my paychecks as I got them and then made me quit the part time job I had once I got pregnant, but I had some I had hidden away for my escape – almost $250. I don’t know how far that will take me on a bus, but anywhere is better then here.

It took an hour to reach the bus station from the house. It was another 20 minutes waiting in line to talk to the ticket man and then it was my turn.

“What is your destination?”

“Um, I’m trying to get to Thunder Bay, but how far will $242.80 get me?”

He looked threw the glass at me; his eyes went from annoyed from being asked that question at the late hour to sympathy at the state I was in. I didn’t want his pity. I just needed a ticket and a seat to sleep in.

“Miss, there is a bus leaving for Thunder Bay in 20 minutes, but the ticket is $280,” He looked like he had just hit someone’s dog. I didn’t think my money would get me all the way from Toronto to Thunder Bay, but my heart still sunk knowing how close I was to getting away. “Oh what the hell?! Here. You need the ticket and I’ll sell it to you for $230. You’ll probably get hungry on the trip. Hurry and get some munchies before they board.”

“Are you sure, sir? I can just get a ticket to where ever my amount can take me and find my way from there. You don’t need to do this.” I wasn’t used to people trying to help me; it hadn’t happened much in my past and I wasn’t going to expect it for the future.

“I’m sure. Now hurry, you have 15 minutes.”

I told him thank you and turned away to get some snacks like he suggested. A few tears made there way down my face while I picked out the food that would last me the next 18 hours.
♠ ♠ ♠
So here is the first chapter. I hope you liked it.
