Status: Alive

Come Fly With Me

Chapter 3

I stood there staring at the man that opened the door, wondering why Jared had driven me to the wrong house.

“Are you deaf?! What do you want? Are you lost? You better not be looking for a donation to some single mothers’ fund. You got yourself into that mess now deal with it.” He went to slam the door shut but was stopped midway by a voice in the background asking who was at the door. “It’s just some whore looking for money.”

“Steve, I’m sure that’s not the case. Did you ask what she wanted? Probably didn’t wait for an answer. Ugh! Let me see.” When the woman came to the door, she stared with her mouth open before she whispered my name.

“What did you say Anne?”

“Elara. What are you doing here? Did he follow you? Does Joe know where you are?”

“Ella, is everything ok?” Jared asked as her rounded the garage and saw the scene at the door.

“Jared Staal! Does your mother know that you have a kid on the way? How could you get my daughter pregnant?” My mother gaped at Jared not even thinking about waiting for the story of why we were at her house together.

“Your daughter. What the hell are you talking about Anne? You never mentioned having a daughter, much less a pregnant one. As for Staal, I knew those boys were trouble.”

“Could we come inside and talk about this? We’re making quite the scene out here,” Jared threw the idea out there and I was thankful Anne and Steve made the move inside and Jared was coming with me.

We walked down a hallway lined with pictures. None of me, but I wasn’t surprised after two people were amazed that I existed. I looked into one of the rooms we passed and saw two teenage girls lounging in a living room. When they saw I was there they were curious, but when they saw Jared their jaws dropped and they rushed into the hallway to get his attention.

“Jared, what are you doing here? I haven’t seen you in forever. Wanna stay for a movie? Chelsea and I were planning on watching The Haunting. You can sit next to me; I don’t like scary movies.” The teen drooling over Jared had hair stripped to platinum, or was supposed to be but it turned yellow, and eyes that were over lined in black. To top her look off, she had shiny, white lip gloss on.

“Thanks for the offer Jessica, but I have to talk to Anne and Steve.” The look on Jared’s face alone said that he didn’t want to watch any movie with her, not to mention the way he moved away from her and more toward me. She must have noticed his retreat because what she said next was right at me.

“Who the hell are you? All of you puck sluts are aimed at getting the Staal’s money. When the hell will you learn to just deal with your pregnant problems on your own. What a whore.” And then she stomped her way back to the couch.

I stood there, on the verge of tears, and neither Steve nor Anne did anything about what was just said to me; they just kept walking. No one even knows if the father is Jared or not and I’m being called a whore. If I wanted to hear that, I would have saved myself the 18 hour bus trip. Jared wrapped his arm around my waist and ushered me forward.

Steve walked into an office and pointed to a couch for me to sit on. Jared sat next to me while Steve sat in a chair across from us and Anne stood behind him. What was this? A business negotiation?

“Well Elvira, I don’t know what you expect me to do. Do you want a place to stay? Are you looking for a hand out? I can’t believe you would do something like this to a boy like Jared. Did you even think about what this will do to his career? He’s on his way to the NHL; where do you think you’ll fit into his life after you have his bastard –”

Jared went from comforting me to a force of nature. “What the hell?! First off, her name is Elara. Secondly, whether this child is mine or not – something you don’t even know – there is nothing about it that makes it a bastard. And third Anne, how the hell can you just stand there and let these people say things like this to your own daughter? She came to you for help, and what do you do? Stand there and listen to the shit that is being spouted off from a guy that has his head up his ass!”

I was amazed that someone I just met was sticking up for me and shooting insults right to them. I reached up to tug on the back of his shirt and whispered “Jared, please.”

“Where do you think you can talk to us like that? You think that because your name is famous you can come into my house and disrespect my wife and I like that? I would have thought your mother raised you better then that. Did you see her when we walked down the hallway? She was looking in all the rooms we passed, probably looking for stuff she can steal to pawn off. That is not someone I want my angels’ around.”

“Ohhoh… then there is a lot about your angels’ you don’t know. My mother has nothing to do with this conversation but Elara’s does. So Anne, what do you want to say about this?”

I didn’t know what to do. Jared was fighting for me and now it was up to the woman that gave birth to me to pass judgment. What if she doesn’t want me around? There is nowhere for me to go; I don’t have any money and I don’t know anyone else around here. And there’s no way I’m going back to Toronto.

I looked up to see I was the last pair of eyes to focus on Anne, whose eyes were on me. “I don’t have anything to say. When I left Joe, I left Elara as well. I didn’t want the responsibility of her then and I don’t want it now. I’ve moved on; it seems like you should do the same. Now please leave.”
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