Scream to Be Heard II

NOT a sequel. I'm rewriting it because I don't like how my writing was in the beginning, and how it changed throughout. I want this to be consistent and better than the original. I don't think this is going to have any changes made, really, but the writing will be much better.
You DO NOT have to have read the original to understand this, everything will be explained.

Alex is completely alone. Alone and suicidal, but too afraid to act. He brought this upon himself, and he won't let his mind forget. Self-hatred has consumed him.
  1. I Know You're Trying Your Hardest. (prologue)
    title credit: Mayday Parade
  2. Pain Will Live On and On.
    title credit: Anberlin
  3. I Never Thought I'd Walk Away From You...I Did.
    title credit: Jimmy Eat World