Status: Active

Love Bites

Family Visits

I grabbed my suitcases trying my best to lift them into the car. I was excited to see the rest of my family including my favorite cousin Elena Gilbert and my other cousin her brother Jeremy, but I sure wasn’t excited about driving all the way out there alone in my beat up black mustang. My parents had said bye to me this morning before they went to work, and now all I had left was to get on the lonely highways and make my way toward Mystic Falls, a place I’d soon be calling home. For some reason my mom thought up of this wonderful idea, consisting of me driving 300miles out to a small town not many have heard of. Sounds exciting? Yea sure, I guess, but something is telling me that the only drama or interesting things happening to me are going to consist of catching up on who’s who in Mystic Falls and what things my cousins have to tell me.
I managed to load the final suitcase and slam the trunk shut before I walked over to the driver’s seat putting the keys in the ignition before letting out a sigh. I felt emptiness in the pit of my stomach making me slightly nervous, I knew I was going to be homesick, but some part of me hoped and dreamed that Mystic Falls had a better life waiting for me. Then without a second thought I pulled out of my driveway pulling on a road that would take me from my old life to a whole new place.

As I drove I thought about my family I would soon be seeing. Jeremy the youngest out of him and Elena was an awesome pretty spontaneous guy who I usually got along with. Elena on the other hand was like my sister, but we have our differences like any other relative in a normal world. Elena had brown hair and dark brown eyes, and sometimes seemed uptight. Me on the other hand? I was older than Elena by three years meaning I was 21, and I happened to get my parents blue eyes and my dad’s dark brown hair. I was extremely laid back and had a more flexible mind. I was a more go with the crowd kind of girl, something uncommon in the Gilbert family.

Within my thoughts and three hours of long driving I played the radio to its full advantage. The speakers were booming with Guns N Roses and this brought a large smile to my face as I passed the sign saying Welcome to Mystic Falls, then finally after passing by many streets I arrived to that familiar white house I remembered as a kid. Noticing my family standing in the lawn with a few strangers I self-consciously turned down the radio pulling the car to a complete stop. I then opened the door to be crowded by Elena who was hugging me tightly.

“Erin! It’s so good to see you!” I squeezed Elena back tightly laughing loudly.

“I know! Sorry it took my parents making me come here for me to see you again” Elena simply grinned shaking her head no while laughing before she grabbed my arm pulling me so that I’d be standing in front of everyone.

“Erin!” Jeremy yelled pulling me into a hug.

“I maybe younger than you but I’m still taller” Jeremy laughed causing me to playfully raise an eyebrow and mess up his hair.

“It’s cause you just hit puberty, I was always taller” I joked snickering making Jeremy roll his eyes and laugh along with me. After Jeremy I was hugged by my aunt Jenna and then I got to meet her boyfriend Alaric, who seemed like a pretty nice guy. After this only two people stood on the lawn, of which one was staring at me almost shockingly, and the other stared warmly.

“Erin this is my boyfriend Stefan” I watched Elena swoon as she mentioned his name and instantly I got this sensation that they shared a bond not many people have. Then when he took my hand in his to greet me, I understood just why she loved him. He protected her and cared for her like no other guy I have ever met, and I could tell this from the way he looked at her. Behind Stefan stood the guy who watched me shockingly yet curiously, and the way he stared at me with those bright blue eyes made my heart race faster and caused my face to flush.

“And this is my brother Damon” As he said this Damon walked up to me watching my every move almost intensely.

“Sorry for asking just meeting you and all, but exactly how old are you?” Damon questioned causing all of us to stare at him questionably. Damon on the other hand simply shook his head smirking.

“I want to know that if I were to hit on you in the next two minutes if I would be robbing the cradle or if it would be perfectly legal” I laughed hard at this and nodded rubbing the back of my head.

“I’m actually older than Elena; I’m 21” Damon nodded and glanced at Elena smiling widely. But before Damon could say anything else Elena spoke up glancing at my car.

“Damon don’t hit on my cousin. Please.” Damon frowned and rolled his eyes sarcastically.

“Jeez Stefan your girlfriend never lets me do anything fun” Stefan and Elena laughed at this grabbing my car keys and opening the trunk causing me to object.

“Hey guys! Elena dude I love you to death, were family, and Stefan I just met you and I have this feeling were going to get along and all, but I have two hands and I think I can carry my whole three suitcases” I stated while everyone burst out into laughter.

“Sarcasm I love it, Elena why the hell didn’t you bring your hot funny cousin along sooner?” Damon questioned walking past me to grab two of the suitcases with no problem.

“But Erin I’m going to have to agree with Stefan and Elena, a guest shouldn’t carry their own suitcases” Damon spoke knowingly, and unable to say anything I watched Stefan grab my other suitcase and make their way to the house, up the stairs, and into the guest room where they placed the luggage on the floor leaving me to unpack. But little did they know, I had laid down to take a quick nap. I closed my eyes and drifted off into a deep sleep. I didn’t dream, but I woke up to a loud thump by the window causing me to jump up.

I watched cautiously standing up by the table looking around for something I could use as a weapon. This weapon happened to be a broken wooden post from the bed that I held tightly in my hands as I stood up in the darkness. Then I heard it again, the footsteps, but they were behind me. Not thinking I turned around swinging the bat with all my force hitting someone who grunted. I kept quiet trying with all my might not to scream loudly, instead I backed up trying to get a closer look at the figure but then the person disappeared, and two hands made their way on my shoulders and suddenly I couldn’t move my body. From the touch I could tell this person didn’t mean harm, the scent was familiar, and the lips that touched my ear caused my face to flush.
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Guys!!!! I know I haven't written some of my other stories in forever! Writer's Blocks sincerely suck and I'm sorry for leaving all my readers hanging. I wrote this story as a sign letting my readers know that I will be updating my other stories frequently! Especially this one! I hope you guys enjoy this story enough to subscribe and maybe even comment! Thanks so much for reading!!!! :DDD