Status: Active

Love Bites

Taste Of My Family History

I drove with Damon back toward the boarding house in the pouring rain. It had been God knows how long since it had last rained, and for one I wasn’t a fan of Virginia rain….reason why? It NEVER stopped once it started. The water drenched Damon’s Ferrari, and he was not one bit happy about it causing this agonized frustrated look on his face to appear.

“Is it funny that I had missed that face?” I questioned a small smirk coming onto my lips as I held back a small giggle while Damon lifted an eyebrow glancing at me.

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” He asked a small smile coming onto his lips as he looked toward the road turning up the hill toward the boarding house.

“I’m saying I’m not used to the “romantic” Damon, and I was missing the pissed of sarcastic Damon” I grinned causing Damon to let out a loud laugh as we pulled up in the driveway of Salvatore’s brothers large house. Again, shock ran through my body as I caught a glimpse of the old style home.

“Still can’t get used to it?” Damon looked at me making me shake my head no before I slipped the hood of my jacket over my head and opened the door.

“Hey I have your stuff, why don’t you go inside” Damon handed me the house keys bringing a small smile on my face.

“Such a gentleman, but it’s poring rain, and I’m not going to let you get drenched” Damon’s face fell into a frown as I gave him back the keys and got out of his car running toward the trunk where both me and Damon stacked my luggage quickly and efficiently before bolting to the door walking into the house dripping wet.

“I hate rain” Damon frowned taking off his jacket shaking out his wet hair. I tugged off my wet hoodie and ruffled my damp hair frowning toward Damon.

“Can I take a shower here?” I watched as his eyebrows lifted flirtatiously a cocky grin coming on his face.

“Is that a question…or an invitation?” A laugh escaped my lips before I shook my head no.

“Don’t get any ideas Damon, I just want to take a shower” Damon just nodded his head before he took a couple of steps in front of me walking toward the stairs.

“You can sleep in my room, I’ll sleep on the couch” Damon stated making me laugh slightly following him up the stairs toward his bedroom.

“Why? Can’t we just share a room?” I watched as Damon’s eyes looked at me almost shockingly and confused.

“But I thought you said? Didn’t you want to sleep in separate-I mean I was trying to be a gentleman” I laughed loud at his stuttering words causing him to turn a bright red making my eyes widen in shock.

“Wow I thought you were supposed to be the smooth, cocky, romantic man, not the stuttering shy boy”

“Stop it, you make me nervous, I don’t know why” Damon muttered under his voice a smile peaking on his lips causing me to grin.

We both walked into his room causing my eyes to widen. Not exactly what I expected as Damon’s style, but still a VERY nice room. Dark wood furniture, a large bed with a dark red and gold comforter, and a few chairs next to a fireplace.

“I guess you being nervous can be used to my advantage” I smirked grabbing my luggage from his hands before I slightly brushed my lips on his, causing all shyness from him to fade away as he gave me a cocky grin. Then he pinned me roughly on the wall causing me to drop my luggage and let out a loud laugh.

“Now that’s the Damon I know” I smiled at him as he released his grip to a soft one. His eyes faded from flirtatiousness to what seemed gentleness. Then he leaned in pressing his lips delicately onto mine. I felt his arms wrap around me, and I ran my fingers through his damp moist hair. Than he pulled away glancing toward the bathroom in his room.

“Bathroom is right there and I’ll leave you alone. The towels are also in that cabinet, call me when you’re done” Damon pointed toward the bathroom and then a cabinet in the bathroom before he looked at me one last time giving me one last kiss before smiling.

“I love you” He kissed me one more time making me blush like crazy while I watched him leave the room. Then I walked to the bathroom turning on the shower. In the mean time I took the opportunity to grab my pajamas and the towel. Then making sure the water was hot I began to take off my clothes.

I stepped into the shower letting the hot water run through my hair and all around my body. After what may have been half an hour of shampooing and soaping I stepped out of the shower wrapping the towel snuggly around my body. When I was about to begin to get dressed I noticed I had forgot something from my luggage. So quickly I made a fast run toward my suitcase grabbing my tanktop, but then from behind me I heard someone. I stood up quickly shaking my head and laughing slightly knowing it was Damon.

“I thought you said you were going to leave me alone?” I asked laughing, but when no one answered I felt fear bite at my skin as my stomach tightened into a knot.

“Damon?” I turned looking for any sign of where the noise came from, but then suddenly Elena appeared in front of me causing a shocked look to come on my face.

“Elena? What are you doing here?” At first Elena’s eyes were almost playful and dark, but then her brown eyes faded into to what looked like shock and confusion.

‘Erin! I thought you had died!” I watched as Elena’s filled to what looked like tears before she flashed in front of me grabbing onto my shoulders causing my eyes to widen slightly.

“Erin! It’s me Katherina, you’re sister” Elena who was now calling herself Katherina wrapped her arms tightly around me causing me to freak out even more. Then I called for the first person that has been coming to my mind a lot more consecutively.

“Damon!” I yelled loudly, and within seconds Damon slammed the door open his eyes darting back and forth around the room before they landed on me and then Elena. Then the last thing I expected happened, Damon flashed in front of me grabbing onto Elena’s shoulder throwing her across the room.

“If you even touch her Katherine, I will kill you!” Damon yelled angrily as he pushed me back protectively as my expression fell into fear and shock as I backed up into the wall Damon guarded me against.

“Damon! I wouldn’t hurt her, she’s my sister” At this point I was so confused I didn’t even understand what was going on. Damon of course gave a sarcastic laugh, but Elena who was claiming she was Katherine kept crying. Then I watched Damon loosen his protective stance as he watched Katherine still not moving from my side.

“What are you talking about? You’re a liar Katherine, I don’t believe you” The Elena look alike who I know knew to be Katherine continued crying still shaking her head.

“Erin, I thought Klaus killed you. I thought they killed everyone” She continued to cry, and then Damon suddenly understood she wasn’t joking. So he turned to look at me his eyes scanning my face.

“Do you know what she’s talking about?” He asked softly my eyes widening in shock as I shook my head no quickly. Then something happened that I didn’t expect, I felt a piercing pain in my body and I collapsed onto Damon who grabbed me tightly in his arms.

“Erin!” I heard both Damon and Katherine yell before I blacked out.
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Hey guys new chapter!!! Hope you like the twist! ;) Thanks again for reading!!! I hope you enjoy enough to comment or maybe even subscribe!! If you like this story enough please take a minute to comment and let me know what you think or to give me any advice!!! :))) Again thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed!!!! :)